Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring break is FINALLY over.

I am so thankful that spring break is finally over. Seriously.
My routine can go back to normal.
During my spring break, I pretty much binge watched Netflix, nap, play with the kids, do learning activities with them, and eat. I basically didn't read anything school related. I tried to, but it just wasn't happening.
That was the first week (my spring break). My kids got two weeks off of school....
So I went back to school during the second week, and organization just went out the window. I normally do all my reading and the larger assignments while the kids are school, and the smaller stuff after bed time, but that just wasn't working out during that week. The kids were very distracting for me. Not in a bad way, it's just I don't like it when I'm away from them for quite a few hours doing stuff. I feel like I'm ignoring them, and I don't like it. Anyways I was all over the place with my school stuff. So I got behind.
And then Eliana and I got braces last week (during said 2nd horrible spring break week). Then the next day I had to go in for four extractions. To say it was a hot mess is an understatement.
I was able to catch up with my school stuff the night before and the morning of "extraction day", or so I thought.

So after a few days of mashed potatoes, and jello, I was finally able to handle the pain, and try to slowly get back to things. When I looked at all my school stuff, I realized I somehow missed a math quiz, English paper, and a discussion board. How I managed that? I have no idea. So Sunday night I was working until about midnight making sure everything got done. I wasn't even able to make my planner up to date with this week yet, since I do that every Sunday.
I am finally getting back into routine. And just thankful for that! I need to work on my planner ASAP.
Yesterday was the first day back for the kids, and I was able to get three homework assignments, a 440 point test all for medical terminology done. I also did another math quiz and a homework assignment and got a chapter of reading done for English, while they were gone. BOOM.
Feels good to get stuff done.
And now I'm back to blogging again as well haha.
Have you ever been distracted by your kiddos? What stuff did you put off?
Hope you had a great spring break, and make today a beautiful day!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Are you washing your hair wrong?

This is completely random, however; I thought it was quite interesting.
I read an article about a week and a half ago saying that we are washing our hair wrong!
I don't remember the article or where I found or else I would cite it. (If I do come across it again, I'll update the post with the link to the article)
Anyways, apparently we are suppose to condition our hair first then shampoo!
The article said to condition your hair not the roots, more so focusing on the ends.
Let it soak for a few minutes.
I usually wash the bod and shave the l
egs during this waiting time.
Then I rinse with warm water.
I then wash my roots with shampoo, really focusing on just them.
Rinse with warm water, then a splash of cold water and I'm done!
This method is suppose to give your hair more volume, help with frizziness (hello curly hair friends!!), and make your hair softer since your really focusing on the conditioner .
I'll be honest, it completely felt WRONG the first two times I did it this way, BUT after the first use, I noticed how much higher my hair was. My hair was also softer.

This is when I let my hair out of the towel.
Left is normal shampoo/condition and right is a week and a half of condition/shampoo

This is after I brush my hair with a wide tooth comb.
Left is normal shampoo/condition and right is a week and a half of condition/shampoo
I can totally see a difference!!! My waves/nappy hair are more defined!
I'm not sure if any hair stylists will agree with this method, but I tried it and I liked it.
Have you ever tried this method before? Have you ever read something and decided to try it out? If so, what was it? And did you like the results?
Make today a beautiful day!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Lesbehonest about weightloss.

I'll be honest.
I haven't focused on my weight loss in a while. I did pretty good when I meal prepped and after the food was done, I was pretty much done with the diet and the working out. 
Which got me thinking...
Why do I not want to work on my weight loss journey?
And this is where I had to be extremely honest with myself.
And this is what I came up with.
I just don't want to do anything about my weight
I don't believe I can do it.
It's hard.
I'll always be a "bigger" girl.
This breaks my heart...
It's like who have I become?
I remember how motivated I was to be my healthiest, and yet I can't even choose fruit over some tater tots.
I started to really try to connect why this time was different from all the other times.
I realized I wasn't mentally ready to lose the weight.
Weight loss is definitely more of a mental battle than anything.
And every time I would work out, and I couldn't keep up, it completely left me unmotivated, and validated that it's hard and I can't do it.
Then I get frustrated with myself because I always try to motivate others to be the best they can possibly be, and yet I'm not practicing what I am preaching.
Ugh talk about a slap to the face right there.
I look at all the amazing people I follow on IG and I am basically jealous of all that they have accomplished. And it makes me wish for those same results.
Not being mentally ready to lose weight is a challenge in itself.
SO now that I am done standing on my soapbox and having a violin play for my "feel sorry for me" speech.
This is the game plan.
I will schedule my workouts just as if I am going to class or an appointment.
I will prep my food for about 3-4 days at a time so that way I don't have an excuse to not eat healthy.
I will not go out to eat to temp myself with unhealthy choices, because I know myself and I will get the unhealthy choice no matter what.
I will document my workouts on IG (@pearshapedmama). If there is no picture, the work out didn't happen.
I am going to force myself out of this funk by taking it one day at a time.
I hope you all will help keep me accountable since I am putting this out there!
Let's do this together!! :)

Hope you all have a beautiful evening!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spring Break & Homework

So my children and I are currently on spring break.
I get one week off, while my children get two...really?!
Anyways, unfortunately for my children, I don't let them slack off school work just because they are on break. There is a reason my children are at the top of their classes, because I push them to think, learn, and express.
Right now, I have them do at least one assignment a day. Sometimes it'll be math, or reading, or art, or whatever I feel like doing with them. I let them do their "homework" by themselves. If they have any questions, I encourage them to give the answer that fits best, so basically I tell them to figure it out. After they are done, I go over their worksheets with them, and have them explain how they got certain answers. After that, the worksheet gets graded. I print the worksheets from different websites according to their grade level. Sometimes I go up a grade just to give them a bit of a challenge.

I spend at least one hour with each one of my children everyday, going over anything educational, whether it be reading, flashcards, doing arts and crafts, whatever! As long as we are doing something and spending that quality time together. I want my children to strive in their education. I hope that my children became extremely successful one day.
My daughter loves some subjects that I don't enjoy whatsoever, good example is math. She is pretty much obsessed with anything math. As well as science, which I actually love!
I hope she becomes a scientist or something equivalent. How wonderful would it be if she is the one who discovers something new!! She is also extremely creative! Goodness, I love the stuff that she creates out of just simple things!

My son loves to read and write, maybe he'll become an author of a best seller! How awesome would that be! I also love his creativeness. He draws me the BEST stick figures I have every seen ;)
I understand that most people would possibly undermine what I think my children are capable of due to the fact that they are only in Kindergarten and 3rd grade. I get that they are in the "easy" grades right now, however; this is the stepping stones to the rest of their education. If they don't do well now, do you think they will in the future?
So basically our spring break has been filled with homework, movies, reading, playing outside, Netflix binging, and napping haha.
I also have homework during my spring break. I am making study guides, flashcards, and reading. I can't believe that my spring break is almost done!! UGHHHH...
Oh as for the 21DF, yeah that was postponed until today, because we had a family day date yesterday, filled with shopping for arts and crafts, T-ball stand, and gloves, eating non stop it seems, a movie and just walking around. It was so much fun!!

How is your spring break going?
Have a beautiful day!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Mid-terms and 21DF

So I survived mid terms!!!

I submitted my last quiz earlier this evening. And I will tell you, that it felt amazing to finally be done with school. However I'm not because I will be using this week to make study guides, and start research for my end of the year paper for English.

As for the 21 day fix, yeah I failed. UGH!!!
I get so pissed off at myself for not following through.
Between studying, writing, reading last week, I felt it was impossible to fit in anything else.
I did however meal prep for a few days so that really helped me stay on track, but once that food was gone, I didn't make more. FAIL. LAMESAUCE.

Also our schedule changed quite a bit last week at the last minute.
School conferences for the kiddos, as well as trying to figure out what we're going to do for spring break, family visits, etc.

We're not doing anything for spring break. LAME. But it's all good, I rather be at home relaxing and reading. I have 3 books on my list for this week. 2 of which are for that English paper, and 1 for leisure.

We will be going on a vacation soon though and I can't wait for that!!
My kind of vaca!!!

So back to 21DF, (sorry that this post is all over the place), the BF and I will be going back on it tomorrow! I went shopping for all the food, and will be prepping all morning.
What helped me stick to the eating was having everything available already so that way I wasn't tempted by something else, also the fact that my BF was on board and ate the same things as me! Totally awesome to have a supporter in house!!

I guess I bit more than I could chew with the 21DF and Midterms during the same week.
This is my relax/catch up/focus week.

So I WILL do be able to do everything!!!

Have a wonderful night!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My 10 Most Embarrassing Guilty Pleasures

I figured I would do something different today and talk about something random.
So we all have those guilty pleasures that we like to hide from other people.
There are even some that I hide from my boyfriend, whom I live with. Well I guess everyone will know now haha.
Here are my 10 guilty pleasures in no particular order:
1.Whenever I read a really good book, I imagine that I'm the main character in the story, and how I would pretty much be a badass...Ummm Katniss anyone??
2. Whenever my boyfriend works at night, and after my kids go to bed, I pretend that I'm on "The Voice" or "American Idol" and go around singing my little heart out...It gets worse in the shower...and yes I make the announcements too hahaha "Next up is Estefanie, singing blah blah blah"
3. I have this weird thing with buying nail polish. I don't ever use majority of them, but I. JUST. HAVE. TO. HAVE. ALLLLLLL. THE. NAIL. POLISH.!!!!

These are just the one's I keep in the house...and the 5 that are laying in front...yeah I just bought those today. 

4. Ummm PINTEREST. I have a ridiculously amount of pins.

5. I check certain blogs daily and their IGS, because well umm I'm pretty much obsessed with their lives. I find these people so fascinating. They are always so positive and happy!!! How are these people so damn positive and happy ALL the time?!?!
6. Ok this is PRETTY embarrassing, but I like to smell my boyfriend and kids. Mostly I take a quick sniff to make sure the kiddos smell clean, but I just love their personal scent. It's like these are my people because of their scent. I don't know how to explain it. It comforts me. I'm weird. And every time I do it to my boyfriend he calls me a weirdo. 
7. I hate to wash dishes, but I hate it even more when other people (aka the bf or the kiddos) wash the dishes. I feel like they don't wash them correctly. So before using the dishes again or before putting them away, I'll usually rewash them.
8. I can binge watch HGTV all day err day!!!! Property Brothers? ALL ABOUT THEM TWINS! And don't even get me started on House Hunters! Do you know how many times people pick the wrong house? I mean come on!!! Why didn't they pick the one with a bigger piece of land or more square footage?!?! Seriously, people do not look at what they will eventually need in a few years.
9. People watch. I like to people watch and make up a story on what's going on. Whenever I see a young couple fighting, the conclusion is most likely to be baby mama drama. Or someone is being a hoe...."But baby, I love you!!!" "That's not what those pictures said when you was texting that hoe!"
10. When I want a really good laugh I like to go look at the "missed encounters" on craigslist. OMG!!! If you haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor and go read RIGHT NOW!! Also "people of Walmart", which makes me feel better about myself, especially when I've been wearing yoga pants, a tank, and my hair hasn't seen a brush in two days. Gosh, my boyfriend MUST really love me to put up with me haha
So there are 10 of my embarrassing guilty pleasures!
What are some of yours? Do we have any that are similar?
Make today a beautiful day!!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

A 21 Day Fix Habit

So as the saying goes!!

I am doing a round of the 21 Day Fix starting today!!

I will admit that, I have never completed a complete round (full 21 days of it).
The longest I have gone was about 14 or 15 days, and let me tell you!!
I was seeing some results!!
Umm #collarbonecomeback anyone?!?!
I was down about 13 pounds as well.
I had life happen to me so that is why I just stopped. I didn't have the time between everything else to even meal prep or workout.
Life got hectic, VERY HECTIC. I'm talking OMG-I-don't-want-to-see-the-light-of-day-anymore hectic! yeah. It was pretty hectic.

Anyways, I figured out a schedule that works for my family and I and we are rocking life right now!
Woo hoo!!
So I might as well add in something I want!
Which is to be healthy and in shape!
So I got my little notebook out, my 21DF book and the containers, and just started writing down everything I needed to buy at the grocery store and prepped.

My boyfriend is doing the challenge with me!!
How awesome is that?! I'm excited because that means more support, on top of my beachbody team's support group on Facebook!

So yeah support all around, now all I have to do is spend 30 mins a day sweating the lbs off, and stuff my face with yummy food all day. Sounds good to me!

I'm super excited to get back on this weight loss journey of mine!
It's definitely has been a long one but I don't care.
It's mine, and that is just how I roll on this roller coaster. haha ;)

How you ever done the 21DF program, if so what were your results? And if you're interested in doing the 21DF with me click on my LINK, to purchase the program, and I'll get you into our Facebook groups that gives daily updates, motivation, recipes, meal plans, and so much more!

Follow me on IG: @pearshapedmama
Follow me on: PINTEREST

Make today a beautiful day!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Full Time Student

Hey y'all
So I know at this point all I talk about is school; however, it's basically consuming my life.
I feel like I eat, breathe, sleep school.
It's ridic.
My planner is SUPER packed with color coordinated markers and stickers.
I'm not gonna lie, my planner does look pretty :)
I get compliments on it whenever I bring that bad boy out. haha.

Anyways, I wanted to talk about school because it's something I never really was able to do.
Yes, I did take a few online classes here and there, and went part time every other semester or so, but I NEVER really got into it, or had time for it.
I was a single mom for so long that I ALWAYS had to work.
I did graduate as a medical assistant when I was 9 months preggo with my son. I had him a few days after graduation.
Anyways, so basically I just never went to school for something specific after that.
Now that I am going to school full time, I pretty much want to slap myself for not doing this sooner!
By the time I am done with everything, I'll be around 28ish...ugh that's horrible. I know I know, many will say that 28ish is still young, but I always thought I would have my shit together by the time I was the age I am now. I have two children. I always thought I would be a home owner, married, working in a wonderful career, and be skinny and hot (because lesbehonest, that's the most important thing haha).
Guess what...
Didn't happen.
But it's ok!!
I'm fixing all of that!
I'm going to school full time and I'm even going to be doing summer classes because I want to finish as fast as I possibly can!
Is it stressful? YES.
Is it frustrating at times, which leads me to crying and stuffing my face with oreos? YES, yes it does.
But is it worth it? YES. the few extra pounds may not, but to each their own haha
School is extremely important, and I use to know that a long time ago, but I'm finally grasping that concept again after all these years. I'm just so happy that I'm back in school, and showing my children that no matter what, you can always make something of yourself.
I'm happy that I am a full time student, and that I look like a hot mess next to these fresh out of high school baby faces. I'm glad that I am that girl who sits in the front of the class, asks non stop questions, and takes a ridiculous amount of notes.
Because at the end of it all, I'll be something, due to me working my ass off for it.
Are you going to school? Have you thought about going back to school? Did you graduate? What was your major?
Hope you have a beautiful day!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How is SAHMing going for me.

So I have only been a SAHM for about two weeks now, and it's definitely different than what I am accustom to.
I have worked and worked for so long that I don't know what it felt like to not work. Until now.
And at first I was nervous about it.
But then I got over it and realized I can nap now.
I will be the first one to admit that I got a bit lazy during the first week and a half. I didn't have a "schedule" on what to do with my day. Yeah I would plan stuff but then all of a sudden I wake up and the kiddos will be home any minute! Talk about an unplanned nap!
So basically I sent my time napping, and shopping at Target. #livingthelife

Then I had to get my head out of my bootyhole, and get things together.
I have midterms next week. This is the week I will need to study my booty off!
SO I scheduled my days, and now I FINALLY found a flow to my days, which shockingly let's me do so much more in a day than before! haha

Not working has been a blessing.
I'm not in an environment that I don't want to be in anymore.
I can now focus on my school, and my family.
For instance, my kiddos and I can actually enjoy our time reading together instead of being rushed or completely missed, due to lack of time.
It's these moments that I feel like I missed for so long.
I love hearing my daughter learn new words, and describe the story that we just read.
And I love it when my 5 year old little man reads to me. He is "flowing" better haha.
We talk about our days, school, friends, what they learned, what they want to learn, anything and everything.
It's so wonderful, but I feel like I don't have much adult time anymore.
Hopefully that will all change soon.
And for school, I am now bringing up my grade in math, even my teacher noticed that I've been putting in extra effort. I got behind in my classes because there was just not enough time in the days for me to get everything done. And by behind, I mean that I am in the low 90s in my classes. Except for math. I hope and I pray that I at least pass that damn class!!!
I am also able to do more stuff with my family. Over the weekend it was my boyfriends birthday, so we went to a carnival! It was soooooo much fun!!
If I was working, I would have never been able to go.
My kids had so much fun!
And I got to make some awesome memories with them!
We made cupcakes for the bf's bday, and put together a little scratcher bouquet. Thank you PINTEREST!!!!

So I would have to say that being a SAHM is going really well for me.
Well besides the weight gain, and unplanned naps haha.

Who is a SAHM? How did you finally find a schedule that works? What is the best part of being a SAHM for you?

Have a beautiful day!!!

Follow me on IG: pearshapedmama

And for your beachbody needs go to my website

Monday, March 2, 2015

What this mama is up to.

Hello y'all!!!
It's definitely been awhile since I've posted.
So I might as well get you updated on my life.
1. I have gained weight. About 15 pounds...Yeah...That is going to change. And it doesn't look good. Lookin' like a hot mess again....
2. I am now a SAHM. Which is a good thing. I worked as a server and it just wasn't a good environment for me anymore. Plus it wasn't allowing me to study like I need to.
3. I am currently going to school full time. For nursing, which requires tons of studying, and TONS of flashcards...I take my homework with me EVERYWHERE.

4. I am currently obsessed with my Passion Planner. I am learning about washi tape and everything!! I love how I get to color coordinate everything :)

5. My current wardrobe consists of yoga pants, tank tops, big shirts, messy hair buns and sandals or slippers. Yeah I'm pretty sure I look like a hot mess on the daily.
6. I currently am watching "Lost" on Netflix. I'm on season 4 and I don't like how confusing it is. I just want some damn answers already.
7. I am learning more and more about my BeachBody business daily and the more I learn, the more I love it.
8. I feel like I am at my desk all day long. It seems like school is a job all on it's own.

9. I am doing extremely well in school. I currently have a 3.8 gpa. It went down due to this math class I'm taking. Never felt more stupid in my life other than when I am in that class.
10. I've been pinning like crazy on Pinterest. It's getting a little crazy. I'm on that thing so much.
11. I want to chop off my hair and go lighter, but I'm scared haha
12. I am tired of having to make dinner. every. single. night. haha my boyfriend works nights otherwise he would cook.

What have you been up to these past few months?
Well I plan on blogging more! I have it scheduled in my passion planner and on my desk calendar!

Follow me on IG: pearshapedmama
Hope everyone has a beautiful day!