Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Lately I've been making some fabric flowers hair clips and headbands and it is so much fun!
I love making things. And repurposing things that I randomly find.
I've been approached to make wedding bouquets, so hopefully my flower making technique will be good enough for that!!!
And how awesome is the fact that someone wants to share their special day with me, by having a little project of mine appear in so many photos, and could be a keepsake?

Making things is my little way of getting things off my mind. Creativity is my outlet. Granted I'm not anywhere near those people who make a living off of their craft, but maybe one day!
Here are some flowers that I have made so far. Let me know what you think?
Also Eliana is into making them too. She helped me with some :)

Make today a beautiful day!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

21 Day Habit Challenge

I am hosting a 21 Day Habit Challenge.
I need encouragement and support on this weight loss journey of mine.
So what better way then to have others come together and encourage each other to forming new habits.
Now it is not solely on weight loss. It can be any habit some one is trying to form such as organization, not spending money, not going out to eat, etc.
Also it is not just on beachbody products.
I however will be using them, just because I know that they work for me.
So if you would like to join in on the fun, please let me know so I can add you to the FB group.
Otherwise, you can just post on IG using #psm21daychallenge

I can't wait for this group!! I am so excited!!
Make today a beautiful day!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Mini Update

So I took a break from social media for a little bit, because I had a lot of stuff going on between school, and life. Now everything is going back into order.

Have you ever had like a few weeks where everything is just crazy? Like holy crap!
Anyways, here is a little update.
1. School is almost over. THANK BABY JESUS from the bottom of my heart and soul! This semester has had me all crazy.
2. TJ and the bf went on an all guys fishing trip. It was TJ's first time going, and apparently he did really well and learned very quickly! So happy that they had a great time!


3. Eliana and I have been growing closer and I love it! Granted we were already close, but she is growing up it feels like, and we are just able to do more stuff together like DIY projects.
4. I've also took a break from social media because I really got into my creative side. I'll post pics on another post of stuff that I've been making.
5. I suck at losing weight. I get into it and then it dies down....UGHHHHH this irritates me the most. Like seriously Estefanie? You can't work out 30 mins a day and eat the healthy stuff instead of the bad stuff. Ugh. SO annoying.
6. I hate to admit this, but I'm slacking on school. It's like I'm doing the bare minimum now. Which cost me my 4.0. I'm now at a 3.8 which is still good, but not as good as I want it. I must now take my head out of my ass and get the ball rolling again.
7. I am counting down the days until we go on vacation next month. Which should be motivation for me to move my ass more to lose weight considering that there is going to swimsuits involved.
8. Being a parent is hard. I love my kids but man some days I just want to be like fend for yourself! And do the damn laundry you hevens! Haha total asshole right there! But hey the truth hurts haha
9. Since having my braces I've lost a few pounds so yay!!!
10. I hate having braces. They are in the way. If I'm not talking with a lisp now, I'll either be spitting at you, or drooling on myself...It's soooo attractive. My bf and I crack jokes all the time about it. Gotta laugh at yourself.
Well that is all I have for today! I have a paper about children behavior and corporal punishment to write. I know that is going to be a fun one to write.......haha
Make today a beautiful day!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Brain Dump

I'm positive that this post will pretty much be all over the place.
Have you ever had so much going through your mind that you just don't even know where to begin?
Well that is me currently.
I'm stressed about school. I'm getting lazy, to the point where I don't even care. How did that happen? Why is that happening? The end of this semester is just off. I think a mixture of spring break, and finding out that the classes I'm currently in are no longer being counted for the nursing program, as well as changing some of the required classes. That really pissed me off, due to the fact that I am going to be a semester behind of what I had originally planned. I'm getting old and I don't want to be almost 30 by the time I graduate. But I suppose it's been late than never.
Another thing that is going on. Negativity. It's definitely not a good vibe to have. It pretty much ruins everything. Moods, days, moments you won't get back. It sucks to be in a funk. And seems impossible to not get out of it. I guess the quote "Nothing is impossible" should be right here.
I'm going absolute bonkers by being a SAHM. I have always worked, so I am extremely out of my norm. I'm not use to being at home all the time. I guess I shouldn't complain because I know many who would rather have my position of being able to stay home while your significant other takes care of everything. In that aspect, I am thankful.
I am not a country girl. I am a city girl. I have always lived in large cites. San Diego, the Bay area, Las Vegas, and now I'm in BFE. Where I have to drive to just get to a local library, and it takes 25 mins to get to a store like Walmart or Target. I'm use to being able to walk across the street and BAM have everything right there. Granted there are good things about living in BFE. We have land, so therefore, my kids can run around, we have annoyingly loud chickens that give us fresh/free eggs and we can pretty much do whatever we want. Just wish I wasn't so isolated.
Unmotivated. To do anything other than watch Netflix, or do a craft project, or just hanging out. I've been having a blast just siting in the living room singing along with my kids while they dance around. Or when we play the quiet game. I get some good reading in during that game! HAHA.
However I did do my hair and makeup for Easter. I only took about 2 pics because I just was not feeling good whatsoever. So you don't really get to see the cute outfits I had picked out. LAME.
I am dreading the summer here in AZ....I hate the heat and the sunshine all damn day. When it's almost 8 at night and the sun is barely going down, we have a problem. I want to live in Washington. Gloomy is the way to be!! haha.
And just some other personal stuff that is going on.
All I want is to eat and not get fatter, and nap. Is that asking for too damn much?! Sheesh.
SO pretty much I'm in a bitch fest mood aka Negative Nancy right now.
Oh well, it was good to get it off my chest, now hopefully I'll be going back to my happy self.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Now if you know me personally, you would know that I love to craft, I would consider it a hobby if I did it more often. But I just love crafting. It clears my mind.
I'm not a full on DIY or anything, just like to do small little things here and there.
It's fun, and I love it; however, I just don't get to do it as much as I would like.
I live in town that only has Michael's.
And I am a Hobby Lobby girl allllllll the way.
My old apartment was filled with Hobby Lobby, considering I use to live across the street from one. Literally. I could walk right across the street.
So I make do with Michael's and Walmart.
I don't have much of a creative vibe as I once did.
I would make every single one of my kid's bday invites, decorations, wall art, repurpose items I found at Goodwill etc. (also the said town I live in doesn't have a very stocked Goodwill. I've never found anything there in over a year).
I don't do that stuff anymore. Lame.
BUT my daughter Eliana is super creative!
I'm so glad that she is crafty!
When we go to Michael's, she just walks around like she knows what she is doing, and she knows exactly what she wants. When we went there a couple of weeks ago, she picked a letter, a backing, and a decorative little snowflake. Knew what paint she should use on each one, and which paint brush she should use. YOU GO GIRL!!!
Also this girl has a thing with bracelets. Give her string and some beads and she'll make you like 5 different bracelets, and I'm talking different styles. Like braided, beaded, weaved around beads, charms, everything.


My son TJ, he has a bit of creativeness to him, but not a lot. It's ok though, because he rocks at stick figures!! He is a more experiment type of person. I was teaching the kiddos about how clouds work like 2 weeks ago, and he was just all about it. He was extremely careful about his area not getting messing, just very detailed about the whole thing. Like I need x amount of water, x amount of shaving cream, and drop the water colors in specific areas.
It's really awesome to see how different yet similar my kids are. And how they learn things.
What is your hobby? Does your kids have a similar hobby or the same as you?
Make today a beautiful day!!