Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Meal Planning.

So I've tried the whole juicing thing for about an hour and that didn't work out.
So now onto the next fun and exciting thing!
I want to look into this. I think it will work for me, only thing that probably stop me is the fact that I am a picky eater.
My list of foods I don't eat:
- Seafood, pork, deer, rabbit, basically anything that is not ground beef or chicken.
- onions, tomatoes, pickles, squash, peppers, celery, asparagus, etc.
Those are major items in diet plans. So basically I don't like anything but the fatty foods, hence why I'm a fatty loving the fatty foods.
So I am going to attempt to make my own meal plan with the help of other meal plans.
Of course I would substitute the stuff I don't like.
&& I got these ideas from PINTEREST *follow me please*
So off to the store I go!
&&& just because this is super cute!
 Follow me on instagram - Singlemamaplus2


Monday, October 22, 2012


Alright, I know I haven't done much of crafts on here but at work we are going to have like a decorating contest or something. IDK. But what I do care about is being able to do something different then just orange and black. =]
So I took my ass to the dollar tree because I'm cheap and lets face it, I don't really want all these halloween decorations all over my damn house once I have to bring them home, so I want to be able to dispose most of them. So that brings us to the little orange pumpkins from the $ tree.
I didn't take a pic of them, oh well. If you are a fan of the dollar tree you know what little pumpkins I'm talking about.
I also went to Hobby Lobby (aka the place that steals my money). I bought some staches, paint, glitter, and letter stickers.
Also I did this right before bed so I pretty much did this half ass. So don't talk shit. Otherwise...Idk. I even talked shit so who cares!
So here is my process in pics.
&& the finished product!!! =]
I made one for my boss and I. My boss rocks! She is amazing! && she loves staches which rocks!
So yeah there you go for my crafts of the day!
Well I'm going to sleep. I am exhausted. I'm not feeling well. blah. and my foot hurts from dropping a coffee table on it. && I have to wake up at 4am tomorrow, so I am going to crash out!
Night you hookstars!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Holy-Grab-My-Boobs-Moment! Someone likes me!!!

So it looks like I've been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award!! WHHAATT?!?! I know! I can't believe it myself! I am utterly grateful to Justine Taylor from Tantrums and Tea Parties, whom nominated me for this awesomeness blog award! Too bad I can't nominate her as well; apparently there are no tag backs...blah. But I am however happy that she was nominated as well as she thought about me when nominating others.
So let me break down what this award is about:
It's an award that blogger's give out to other blogger's who have less than 200 followers, but definitely deserve more. SOOOO it seems that I deserve more followers! Come on you skinny bitches, hit that button! ;P
Here are the Rules:
- Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
- They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them.
- They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
- They must then choose 11 bloggers to tag with less than 200 followers.
- These lucky bloggers must be told.
- There are NO TAG BACKS.
Alright here I go with my jiggly ass!!
11 things about my awesome self:
1. I'm tall for a girl. I'm 5'9 and yes, I LOOOOOVVVEEE to wear heels, which puts me over 6 feet tall with them on.
2. I love scary movies, but I can only watch them at night so I can really get into it.
3. My favorite time of year is basically from September - December. I get to decorate for all those months! How can nobody be ecstatic about that?!
4. I'm addicted to shopping. I get like this shopper's high every time I go shopping. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels AH-MAZING!!!
5. I like being by myself. Not all the time of course but I do like my ME time. I think it is important for people to separate themselves from everyone to just focus on themselves.
6. I have recently gotten back into religion and I think it's something I should have never lost.
7. California is where my heart is. I long to live near the beach again. Nothing can describe how I miss living down the street from the beach.
8. If I could, I would quit my job, and go to school full time, so I can start a career.
9. My fave colors are purple, black, and white. Which so happen to be my wedding colors. ahaha I don't even have a BF and I already have my whole wedding planned.
10. I can't stand wearing socks. My feet feel like they are suffocating in them...but don't they technically do so already with shoes?? IDK.
11. I'm sarcastic to the point where I don't even know if I'm joking or not sometimes. ;] Therefore most don't understand my humor...
11 Questions from Justine Taylor:
1. Is there anything you want to say to someone? Of course I do. Unfortunately I'll probaby never be able to say it.
2. Ever had a near death experience? If so, what happened? Yes, it happened while I was giving birth to my daughter. Possibly the scariest thing I've ever went through =/
3. Do you believe in Karma? Heck yes I do!!!! UMMM ringing in baby daddies!! ahahaha ;P
4. If you were paid $100,000, would you sleep in a supposedly haunted house for a night? Why wouldn't I do it for $100,000?!?!?! Ummm, can I start tonight?
5. What fictional character most resembles who you are? With this I'm going to have to go with Hester Prynne.
6. Would you want to cast in a reality tv show? Heck yes I do! Look how much money Snooki has made off of having a tan, drinking, and loving stuffed animals!
7. What would be the hardest thing (not person) for you to give up? I think it would be my cell phone aka electronic leash. Nowadays you can do everything on it.
8. You have three wishes. GO! I wish my kids grow up to be good people. I wish I was filthy rich to the point where I can just point at random shit and buy it with no hesitation and so I can roll in the money...naked with my new fake boobs! And for world peace! Gosh I would totally win Miss America with my answers! Flock yeah!
9. What is something you wish you could change about yourself? My skin. I have REALLY sensitive skin, so my skin is constantly breaking out. For example, I have little bumps on my arms, and they are from me being slightly allergic to the sun...yet I live in AZ...Yeah I know. Who's a genius with two thumbs?! THIS GIRL!!
10. What quality of yours do you hope your kids inherit? Hmmm...this one is tough. There are a few good ones to choose from. (Totally tooting my own horn right now), but I would have to say my Independence. I don't want my children to ever feel dependent of someone else to feel happy, wanted, loved, or anything of the sort. I want them to be able to stand their own.
11. What was the last dream you remember having? Ahaha it was the baby daddy and I arguing. This somehow causes WWIII...
11 questions for my nominees:
1. What do you want to accomplish before the end of the year?
2. What are you looking forward to about next year?
3. Who is your fave person and why? (could be someone famous, hero, parent, etc)
4. What is your secret addiction?
5. Who have you held a grudge on and why (I'm nosey.)?
6. Where would you go if you had an all paid vacation?
7. When did you first realize you were an "adult"?
8. Why do you blog?
9. How do you sleep?
10. Do you like weird smells? (rubber, nail polish, gas, etc)
11. If you could change anything in your life, what would it be and why?
Now for my 11 nominees:
1. Brandi @ Thin after Twins
2. Allison Kuehl @ Katillac Coach
4. Alyssa @ Clever Nest
5. Jennifer Adams @ Just Jenn
10. Christina @ Krazy Cutie
11. Jeannette @ Always Jeannette
P.S. You are not forced to participate whatsoever. However if you would like to, please link me to your post, as well as in my comment section so I can check out what you got going on. I hope this shows how awesome I think you are, and hopefully to bring light to your blog, so more people can see how rocking you are!
Thank you Justine Taylor! You ROCK! As well as all you other ladies!! =]
Night you Flocking Rockstars!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Juicing sucks balls...

&&& NOT in a fun sexual type way...
I didn't even get half way through the first NASTY ASS cup.
I felt like puking after I drank some, and I tried 3 different ways of swollowing this (ahaha thats what she said), I tried just drinking it straight. FAIL. I had no idea what I was walking into. Then I tried to drink it and then chugging water right after. FAIL. Then I tried holding my nose and drinking it. BIG FAIL. That almost made me puke. Not fun. So what did I do? Come lunch time I took my big ass to chipotle. Heck yes! That shit was AH-MAZING!!! I tore that burrito up! (thats what she said).
So juicing is a no-go. UGH. That means I'll have to eat healthy and exercise now...bummer.
ahaha time to get off my lazy ass anyways. BUT that can wait until tomorrow. I am flipping tired.
Anyone have any ideas on what I should do? I HAVE to wake up at 4-4:30 every morning (mostly 4:30, because the snooze button and I have a battle every damn morning) and I don't get home until around 4. Now this is where it gets crazy. I get my little shits, run errands such as dr appts, grocery shopping, etc, come home, cook dinner, do homework, bath time for everyone, get everyone tucked in with blankets and story time, then I blow dry my hair and curl it so that way I only have to touch it up in the am, then I lay everyone's clothes out, pack my food for work, clean up, and finally go to bed by 8pm, 9pm the latest. So I don't know where to fit in a workout. Any ideas? Yeah I know "where there is a will there is a way" blah blah blah, but this single mama is tired as hell and juicing didn't help it ahaha.
But I have to fit workouts in the schedule somehow. I'll just do it.
Well got to get started on my nightly schedule.
Hope y'all have a great evening!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


How is everyone doing?!

Sorry for the MIA again. Been a crazy week!! Trying to deal with October break from school for the princess, dealing with her healing throat (no fun WHATSOEVER!!!), dealing with HUGE changes at work, and being pulled in every direction.

So I finally have a few minutes to do a new post in between doing laundry, finishing up paperwork for work, getting everything ready to wake up at 4:30am (yes I said 4:30am....blah) and watching my NJ Housewives! OMGrapes do I love the NJ Housewives. They are cra cra and I LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE it! ahaha probably because my life is boring and I don't have that amount of drama in my life, Thank baby Jesus in a tuxedo shirt!ahaha =]

Anywho, at work I was informed that the person that was above me in our position was leaving the company and her last day was on Friday!! AHHHHH!!! She was my go to person for EVERYTHING! What am I going to do without her?! =[ So what does that mean?! I get the senior position! I don't know if I want it, but it looks like I have no choice but do go in that position. I don't think I could do as of a great job as this awesome chicka did. So just to show how much I appreciate her, I attempted to make an ediable arrangement!! And made a little arrangement of flowers =]

And just to show you how awesome my co worker is, and to show you what we do at work...

I know...Awesome right?!?!?!?! Ugh I'm going to miss her =[

Also I've talked about juicing before, but just never committed to it...UNTIL NOW!!!

That's right! Starting tomorrow, I am doing all juice for the next week! I am excited about it! I am doing this, with hopefully getting a jump start back into my weight rid journey. Why is it weight RID journey, because I don't plan on losing this weight and finding that shit again. So I got a juicer and did my prep for tomorrow!

So if I don't kill anyone tomorrow from my lack of food, I'll let you know how it went!

Well Eliana goes back to school tomorrow! I am excited for that! Ahaha not because I want to get rid of her or anything, but because I love to see how much she grows and learns at school! I REALLY lovvveee this teacher this year! I am sooo happy to see my baby thriving in her academic career! It is such an important thing for me to make sure she does the best she can! =]

Also her father is coming at the end of the month, so that is a good thing for her! We should be going to the AZ state fair for one of the days that he is here, so that should be fun! I know I don't talk about how I feel about this situation, but just to say a few things about it. I think he has improved on his parenting time. Before years went by, now its more like 6 or so months, which is great for Eliana. I am however bummed out that Eliana doesn't have a father in her everyday life, but one day she will. But unfortunately it won't be her biological father, but that's ok. I just want her to have a relationship with her biological father, however that relationship turns out, I just want them to try their hardest to form a great bond together. Enough about this stuff!

So onto my little trouble maker TJ!!! What is up with boys that are aged 3?! He is driving cra cra!!! He destroys, screams, throw tantrums, etc!! I don't remember it being this bad with Eliana. I love my son, but man sometimes I give myself a timeout away from him (I hide in my bathroom). Any advice on this?! He sure is a little shit. Well both of them are! Eliana is loving the whole I-AM-GOING-TO-NOT-LISTEN-AND-TALK-BACK-BECAUSE-I'M-GOING-TO-DRIVE-MOMMY-CRA CRA stage....AWESOME little shits! But I love them and wouldn't trade them for anything in this world!! Well except for nice, obident little replicas of them ;] ahaha

And just to show you Eliana's awesome photography skills!! She told me how to pose and everything!!! How awesome!

Well this singlemamaplus2 needs some sleep. Yay...5 hours of sleep!!!!

So night y'all! Love ya && thank you for reading about my boring life!


I really do hope you readers like my blogger, if there is anything you want me to talk about, feel free to suggest things, and I'll try my best to do it! =]

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Step 1.

So as I was saying in my last post I want to make some changes. Focusing around myself. Selfish maybe? But worth it, yes =] So I actually made a list of things I want to do, to make myself a better person!
And why not share my list?! Hello, that's why I've got a blog!
So here is it beetches!
Step 1. Get my hair did (ombre style)
Step 2. Buy new makeup! Yay!
Step 3. Buy a few new pieces of clothing. (I've bought a few, and don't really want to spend a lot on this one because of the following step)
Step 4. Get rid of 20 lbs off this MILF bod. ;P
Step 5. NEW SHOES!!!!! DUH. If you'd know me personally, you'd understand this =]
Step 6. Learn how to cook! I know how to get by *microwave items*, but I want to be able to cook a full course meal! I mean, I'm changing for the better so I know there will be a man coming my way, and I want him to stay so I'll feed him ahaha ;P
Step 7. Get back into photography! I LOVE photography! I miss working as a photographer.
Step 8. Finish EVER DAMN DIY project I have laying around my casa...ahahaha sounds easy, but if it were, it wouldn't have made it on the list.
Step 9. Make a book of all the things I want to do with my little shits, and do EVERY SINGLE ONE!
Step 10. Just be happy & positive. I'm now focusing on being calm, cool, and collective. Why not?! I can't control these bitches attitudes, BUT I can control mine =]
So there is my general list. I've gone more in depth with mine here at my casa, but you get what I'm trying to do. I'm not sure if I'm excited for any of this to tell you the truth. I feel a bit out of my comfort zone. I normally just focus on kids, work, and school. It feels weird actually taking the time out of my crazy busy days to focus on me. Hopefully after awhile it will change because I feel a bit guilty to be honest.
So now for the NEW HAIR!!!!
Still a bit unsure about it, but it's done and there is no turning back. I love the color tho!!! YAY! =]
And just for some happy positive shit to be added on here...
Pics from PINTEREST of course! Follow yours truly please! =]

So now it's on to the other stuff!
Also still haven't started juicing yet. I NEED to go grocery shopping for my fruits and veggies, to have my meals in a cup from now on. YAY.........................
We'll see how the happy and rainbow shit lasts when I am killing people with my look, because they get to eat will I get to suck my meal from a damn straw. ahahaha that sounds a bit dirrty. I like it ;]
Well you sexy beetches, have a wonderful night! I've got to show my FUCK-ME-RIGHT-NOW-HOT-WORTHY-ITALIAN-GUY my new hair ;] that sounds like a reasonable excuse to see him right?! ;P
ahaha Hey I'm single, and ready for some fun!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Once again...alllllll over the place.

Hey!!! I've got 3 readers now! YAY! Welcome! ahaha =]
Well I've been gone for so damn long, I feel like I need to catch you up to speed with everything. So prepare for tons of randomness and pics =] you know you love it ;]
So Eliana had surgery yesterday. Surgery = GREAT! Recovery = HOLDING DOWN YOUR CRAZY SCREAMING CHILD TO GET THAT DAMN MEDICINE DOWN HER THROAT! yeah it was a fucking blast! Still going too! yay.............
good news about that is her dad was there to help me a bit so that's good for her ;]
Here are some pics from the hospital! yay....
When we first got to the hospital, before she knew what was going to happen &&& of course baby daddy has to put his 2 damn fingers in it ahaha oh well she still looks cute =]
Figured out that the surgery left her in pain, so she hates the world, && before I had to hold her ass down.
&&& after we got that medicine in her. Thank baby Jesus in a tuxedo shirt for whatever man made in that medicine and knocked her ass out! ;]
Also it turns out the hospital makes "beautiful" quesadillas. All I know is that it rocked my face off (that's what he said).
My sleeping pattern is basically all screwed up. No bueno. At least I only have to work tomorrow and then have the weekend off! yay!
TJ is being a cra cra little mexican kid who needs a good ass whoopin! OMGrapes, this kid thinks he grew a pair and came up to me and put his damn little finger in my face to tell me NO!  and grunt?! All over a damn chair?! OOOOOHHHHH HELL NAW! got that boy on his ass for a nice time out that's for sho! Grunting at me? Boy you crazy!
Also I've been inspired to use these next few months to focus on ME! yes, ME! Some may say that is selfish because I am a mother, but would it not be selfish of me if I don't give the best mom I could be? Does that even make sense? who the hell knows. It's time for change & change is what I do best! Well now it is. I went to a psychic, yeah I know I know, and she even said something about this. In order for me to be where I need to get I have to focus on myself. I'm lacking in the whole take care of yourself department. I'm a mom so half the time my makeup is all joker like, my hair is crazy!, I don't even remember when is the last time I've had my hair done =[ So I want to look and be confident, and what better way then to change how you look?! Come on people, let's be real here, it's a superficial world nowadays. It's sad but it is what it is.
Got a few new clothes =]
That's all the pics I got for the clothes, been in the damn hospital like all week. Tomorrow I'm going to buy me a pair of shoes =] YAY!!!!! ESTEFANIE LOVESSSSSSS SHOES!!!
Also I'll be getting my hair did, hopefully this weekend! It's time to start looking like a MILF ASAP!!! Even though I'm not at the weight I want to be, I still want to feel the best I can while getting there! I'm also making a list of juice recipes that I will be doing over the weekend! It's time I get on that juicing wagon! I'll let you know how it goes!
Well I'm soooo flipping tired right now, I hope I made complete sentences in this post or at least sentences that make sense. Oh well! NIGHT Y'ALL! =]

Monday, October 1, 2012


This past week or so have been extremely cra cra!! I cannot wait until this weekend already so that way I can actually sleep in until 7am...wow...that's sad. ahaha
Today I started my new position!!! OMGrapes! I love the shit out of it! It's amazing!
Eliana's bday was rocking! Her bday party not so much =/ She got to see her father for a few days, which is REALLY good! I'm really happy that he was able to make it this year for her, I just really hope he continues this time around! *fingers crossed!* her bday party kinda sucked some balls. Not a lot of people came, but it's all good! She had a blast anyways and that's all that matters to me =]
I hung out with FUCK-ME-RIGHT-NOW-HOT-WORTHY Italian guy over the weekend! AH-MAZINGGGGG!!!!! Is it possible that someone can get hotter every time you see them? If so, then Italian guy is definitely doing that. He is just a great guy. Always treating me like a queen =] He is amazeballs! I'd hit it ;] ahahaha
I've not had the chance to work out in the past week and a half! WTF FAT ASS?! I need to hit that gym like I would the fuck-me-right-now-hot-worthy Italian guy ASAP! ;] I've gained 2 pounds during this time & I'm blaming baby daddy for that. ahaha every time he is here we eat out A LOT! So therefore it's his fault...as always ;] Anywho, I've joined a Jillian Michaels' challenge during this month, so today is going to be day 1 of 30DS! Ready for that shit, after I stuff my face with rolled tacos & guac ;] Stuff the face is essential (that's what he said).
I've also been sooooo busy trying to figure out a way to get my life in order! I have everything coming my way non stop and it's pretty much annoying the fuck out of me. Therefore I'm going to bitch slap this shit and handle this cra cra life of mine!
Now for some awesome pics!! Of course =]
&&& I know!!! GORGEOUS right?! =D
I'll be adding photos from her party in a few days =] I basically made EVERYTHING! with some help from baby daddy. ahaha
&&& because I HAVE/NEED to give my ass some motivation to get my ass off the couch and workout...
yup. y'all know you're guilty of this one too ;P
anywho have a great night! gotta get my shit together...yay...