Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Let's get a little raw here.
2015 was a shitty year.
It was the most challenging year I have yet experienced.
I don't wish any of the stuff I went through on anyone.
And the frustrating part is that I was not the cause of any of the stuff I went through. That is why I am currently re-evaluating who is exactly in my life.
I will NOT have another shitty year because of other people.
Let's go a bit deeper.
I gained back all the weight that I had originally lost except for maybe 5 pounds.
I am an emotional eater. It was a non stop roller coaster last year.
And something no body outside of immediate family and of course my bestie.
I am suffering from depression and anxiety.
It's not something I am proud of. I feel like I have failed myself to let myself get here. Some days are harder than others, but I'm just trying to take things one day at a time.
That is why I am back to my weight loss journey.
I am hoping that with losing some weight, that I will lose some of this emotion.
I know that this may be selfish, but I am going to make this year about myself.
I have given so much to other people that I have nothing left to give.
It's really tough to constantly have to smile at everyone like everything is ok, when in reality it's not.
But a part of it is my fault because I let certain people continue to walk all over me.
Well I'm done with that.
So I'm no longer going to lie, and just pretend everything is fine.
Things are changing and I am determined that they change for what's BEST FOR ME and MY KIDS and no one else.
2016 is where I get my shit together. And finally get rid of shit haha. 

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