Tuesday, June 5, 2012


It seems to just get in the way sometimes. Or should I say people? This weekend I had an unexpected visitor which is very frustrating to begin with, then that person hasn't changed despite what everyone tells me. I am just happy that those people saw for themselves that that person has not changed. Not only was that person looking for handouts but also caused a lot of unnecessary issues that shouldn't have been there in the first place. I am taking summer classes but this time online, so I had to "log in" at 5pm on last Friday. Well when does that person show up? Around 4...Great...Well since I had to go drive around and look for this person and realized this person had nothing with them, I then had to go to the store and buy clothes and other things. Well by the time everything was settled, guess what time it was my 1 reader?! 8pm...So now since I didn't log in, I was dropped from the class, and it not only messed up with my academic schedule but TOTALLY F'D UP my financial aid. Now I have to reapply and switch everything around. Tell me how can I do this when I work like 45 mins away so I have to leave a hour before I have to be at work, and then the commute back, so I don't get to the school on time to reapply for everything. UGH!!!!dlkfdlfdjflakjdfljdljdlj...yup.

Anywho I am still running behind for tjs bday party. I still cutting out mickey heads! WTF?! I need to get on the "move your ass" train. ASAP. Let me show you the one of the outlines for the mickey heads. My son is sooooo excited. As well as my daughter. She thinks she is the party planner. ahaha its so cute seeing them work together.

I know its kinda hard to see but these are the mickey heads I am cutting out. Cute huh? ;]

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