So I livein AZ. Where you can cook an egg on the damn sidewalk during the summer. I know because I tried it. Yeah it gets boring here during the 8 months of fucking summer.
So when I look outside and see snow, I'm like WTF?!
It's pretty, but people here in AZ do NOT know how to drive in the heat, especially in the "Blizzard" that we got here yesterday. Cars were swerving all over the damn freeway, losing control of their cars. WTF?! Ugh and don't even get me started on these damn snowbirds that come from the North and the East to get away from the cold winters. Can someone PLEASE explain to me how the fuck they drive across country without dying?! Pun not intended. Seriously?! They can't even see the fork next to their damn plate! I know because I see it every time I serve at night or weekends...
Anywho back to the real WTF.
So last week was basically my fat girl week. What I mean about week, is from Thursday or Friday of last week, until today.
I've been stuffing my dick sucking hole with everything that is greasy, full of sugar, and makes you fat.
I went through the I-don't-care-that-I'm-fat! The someone-will-love-me-no-matter-what! The I'll-work-it-off-later!
Well guess fucking what bitches?!
I've gained all 7 pounds that I fucking lost!
And probably gained a few more. Ugh.
Can I just be married to my filthy rich husband yet so I can get a chef and a mommy makeover and call it a day?
I promise daily blow jobs!
Not happening yet. No rich husband :'(
So today I had egg whites with potatoes cooked in olive oil for breakfast.
Brown rice, steamed veggies, and chicken for lunch.
And a SHITLOAD of Iced tea.
That shit is addicting.
I NEED my iced tea.
Or a bitch might get hurt.
I am also going to work out tonight.
I am starting the C25K...AGAIN. TONIGHT.
I am sooooo determine to get Jillian Michaels' arms'.
And a booty that can drop it like it's hot, from all those damn squats.
I am getting tired of starting over.
This body is going to be skinny once and for all bitches!
And it's hard to say no to cheesecake and to all the greasy food that I get for FREE at the restaurant I work at...UGH fat girl FAIL.
I will be in CA in April and I am determine to find my husband during that week. :)
My rich filthy husband deserves a skinny MILF. ;)
SO here are just a few random pics, because that is how I roll.
Hope you like :)
The view from my house. The snow.
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