Yup. I fail at this blog.
Sorry I am not keeping all my 7 readers updated. Blah.
I've been busy slaving away at this thing that is called a job...times 2.
Oh and raising my brats =]
I've also been failing at my diet.
I need to either plan that shit better or just marry a filthy rich man so I can get a personal chef.
At this point, it looks like I'm going to have to get off my lazy ass and plan my food.
Unless someone randomly comes across my blog and is the filthy rich man who is willing to feed me and buy me boobs. You know what, that is a fucking brilliant plan. EVERYONE needs to see my damn blog asap and find me that man!!!
Which brings me to the title of this blog, that is going to bring me my filthy rich man, I have this feeling. Obviously...
I have this feeling that something is going to happen. ahaha like I am going to wake up tomorrow or some bullshit like that.
Anywho, I truly have this feeling that something BIG & HUGE is going to happen.
And hopefully it's the next dick I fuck.
Um yes, yes I did. Don't believe me, read above.
I seriously do believe something is going to happen.
It's weird. Every time I think about it, I get this tingling feeling all over my body
Probably because of the big O I'll get from fucking the BIG & HUGE dick. Who knows.
On a serious note, something is going to happen. I am not sure when, who, or what may be involved.
Sigh...the future. Every girl dreams of it.
Someday of marrying our prince charming with good hair, body, money, and dick, who will buy us amazing boobs, chef, maid, and a sports car.
Is that too much to ask for?
I think not!
So today at work, my co workers and I decided to sit down and have lunch together.
It is impossible to not laugh with those cra cra ladies.
We were having a blast, when one of them, was saying that they wished that they were more like me.
Whoa. WTF?! No one EVER tells me that shit.
She said that she loves the fact that I have no filter.
I say what I want, when I want, and to who I want.
Most of the time, that shit will get me in trouble, but then again, I don't care and then I'll talk shit about it. ahaha.
I suppose you can say I really don't have a filter.
I've notice I get more of what I want by not holding back what I have to say.
As for Single Awareness Day aka Valentine's Day, I got a surprise from my Valentine's!!!
I got a bouquet of flowers and a cute card waiting for me in my car!
My kiddos are sooo sweet.
I love them sooooo much!
They are truly what make me happy.
I love coming home everyday to excitement, hugs, and kisses.
Which also makes me think that this year, I'll have a 7 year old and a 4 year old!
Where has the time gone?!?!
FUCK. I'm getting old.
My babies are getting big =[
It makes me sad but yet soooo excited at the same time!
I can't wait to have more "adult" convo's with my daughter. I want to be her Lorelai to Rory, her Romy to Michele, her Sophia to Dorothy, and her Marge to Lisa.
If you have no idea what I am referring to, I'm sorry that your not fucking awesome.
Anywho, I'm gonna go back to watching more movies of the hopeless romantic crap that they show in VERY unrealistic movies, which is EXACTLY what I am looking for. Um Nicholas Sparks, where the fuck is my "perfect" guy. I am in the desert so I can't just be chilling near a lighthouse hoping some fucking hot guy is looking for me. SIGH. If only.
Alright bitches.
Keep getting skinny!
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