Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Projectile Vomiting.

That is how I spent my night last night.
In a parking lot.
Outside of Olive Garden.
During the dinner rush.

So much for trying to have a somewhat "nice" family dinner, with my cra cra mexican kiddos.

What's annoying is when people ask and you tell them what's going on they get grossed out. Especially moms. Now don't get me wrong, but did we not go through baby puke, shit and pee everywhere, the messes of potty training, and your going to fucking get grossed out by my vomit. Fuck off. Your ridiculous.

Anywho I feel better now that all my guts are missing. :)

So today I spent stuffing my dick sucking hole with fatty food to make up for what I lost yesterday.
And no it wasn't a fucking great idea. I'm laying on my couch, like a beach whale stuck on the beach.  except I have pillows that are going flat as I type this.

Which brings me to my next random topic.
I'm starting to count calories...tomorrow.
Follow my shit on myfitnesspal app.
Hold me accountable.

I HAVE to start losing weight.
CA is just around the corner!
& even though I'm happy about my bestie losing over 100 pounds. Bitch. I was always the thinner one. And now I'm not.
My bestie doesn't know but I'm jealous of the way she looks!
It's amazing on how far she has come!
She only has 19 more pounds to lose, then she'll be at her goal.
Whatev. I still hate love her ;)
I've already told her all this shit, except the jealous part. Something women have issues admitting...

Well I have to go shopping, to make myself feel better, than realize I don't fit in anything, which will lead to some form of ice cream.

Random pic time!

Night skinny bitches!

&&I've joined the scentsy bandwagon! I'm excited!

The moon on the way to work.
 Under there somewhere is my little man. Ahaha

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