Thursday, October 4, 2012

Once again...alllllll over the place.

Hey!!! I've got 3 readers now! YAY! Welcome! ahaha =]
Well I've been gone for so damn long, I feel like I need to catch you up to speed with everything. So prepare for tons of randomness and pics =] you know you love it ;]
So Eliana had surgery yesterday. Surgery = GREAT! Recovery = HOLDING DOWN YOUR CRAZY SCREAMING CHILD TO GET THAT DAMN MEDICINE DOWN HER THROAT! yeah it was a fucking blast! Still going too! yay.............
good news about that is her dad was there to help me a bit so that's good for her ;]
Here are some pics from the hospital! yay....
When we first got to the hospital, before she knew what was going to happen &&& of course baby daddy has to put his 2 damn fingers in it ahaha oh well she still looks cute =]
Figured out that the surgery left her in pain, so she hates the world, && before I had to hold her ass down.
&&& after we got that medicine in her. Thank baby Jesus in a tuxedo shirt for whatever man made in that medicine and knocked her ass out! ;]
Also it turns out the hospital makes "beautiful" quesadillas. All I know is that it rocked my face off (that's what he said).
My sleeping pattern is basically all screwed up. No bueno. At least I only have to work tomorrow and then have the weekend off! yay!
TJ is being a cra cra little mexican kid who needs a good ass whoopin! OMGrapes, this kid thinks he grew a pair and came up to me and put his damn little finger in my face to tell me NO!  and grunt?! All over a damn chair?! OOOOOHHHHH HELL NAW! got that boy on his ass for a nice time out that's for sho! Grunting at me? Boy you crazy!
Also I've been inspired to use these next few months to focus on ME! yes, ME! Some may say that is selfish because I am a mother, but would it not be selfish of me if I don't give the best mom I could be? Does that even make sense? who the hell knows. It's time for change & change is what I do best! Well now it is. I went to a psychic, yeah I know I know, and she even said something about this. In order for me to be where I need to get I have to focus on myself. I'm lacking in the whole take care of yourself department. I'm a mom so half the time my makeup is all joker like, my hair is crazy!, I don't even remember when is the last time I've had my hair done =[ So I want to look and be confident, and what better way then to change how you look?! Come on people, let's be real here, it's a superficial world nowadays. It's sad but it is what it is.
Got a few new clothes =]
That's all the pics I got for the clothes, been in the damn hospital like all week. Tomorrow I'm going to buy me a pair of shoes =] YAY!!!!! ESTEFANIE LOVESSSSSSS SHOES!!!
Also I'll be getting my hair did, hopefully this weekend! It's time to start looking like a MILF ASAP!!! Even though I'm not at the weight I want to be, I still want to feel the best I can while getting there! I'm also making a list of juice recipes that I will be doing over the weekend! It's time I get on that juicing wagon! I'll let you know how it goes!
Well I'm soooo flipping tired right now, I hope I made complete sentences in this post or at least sentences that make sense. Oh well! NIGHT Y'ALL! =]


  1. I'm glad surgery went well for your little girl :) And no, it's not selfish to take care of yourself. You're important too! You need to be happy with yourself in order to be a good Mom!

    1. AWWW Thank you, that is very sweet! And thank you for understanding. Nowadays people are very judgemental aka bitches ahaha, so it's nice to have someone to support you in certain changes!
