Friday, October 19, 2012

Holy-Grab-My-Boobs-Moment! Someone likes me!!!

So it looks like I've been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award!! WHHAATT?!?! I know! I can't believe it myself! I am utterly grateful to Justine Taylor from Tantrums and Tea Parties, whom nominated me for this awesomeness blog award! Too bad I can't nominate her as well; apparently there are no tag backs...blah. But I am however happy that she was nominated as well as she thought about me when nominating others.
So let me break down what this award is about:
It's an award that blogger's give out to other blogger's who have less than 200 followers, but definitely deserve more. SOOOO it seems that I deserve more followers! Come on you skinny bitches, hit that button! ;P
Here are the Rules:
- Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
- They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them.
- They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
- They must then choose 11 bloggers to tag with less than 200 followers.
- These lucky bloggers must be told.
- There are NO TAG BACKS.
Alright here I go with my jiggly ass!!
11 things about my awesome self:
1. I'm tall for a girl. I'm 5'9 and yes, I LOOOOOVVVEEE to wear heels, which puts me over 6 feet tall with them on.
2. I love scary movies, but I can only watch them at night so I can really get into it.
3. My favorite time of year is basically from September - December. I get to decorate for all those months! How can nobody be ecstatic about that?!
4. I'm addicted to shopping. I get like this shopper's high every time I go shopping. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels AH-MAZING!!!
5. I like being by myself. Not all the time of course but I do like my ME time. I think it is important for people to separate themselves from everyone to just focus on themselves.
6. I have recently gotten back into religion and I think it's something I should have never lost.
7. California is where my heart is. I long to live near the beach again. Nothing can describe how I miss living down the street from the beach.
8. If I could, I would quit my job, and go to school full time, so I can start a career.
9. My fave colors are purple, black, and white. Which so happen to be my wedding colors. ahaha I don't even have a BF and I already have my whole wedding planned.
10. I can't stand wearing socks. My feet feel like they are suffocating in them...but don't they technically do so already with shoes?? IDK.
11. I'm sarcastic to the point where I don't even know if I'm joking or not sometimes. ;] Therefore most don't understand my humor...
11 Questions from Justine Taylor:
1. Is there anything you want to say to someone? Of course I do. Unfortunately I'll probaby never be able to say it.
2. Ever had a near death experience? If so, what happened? Yes, it happened while I was giving birth to my daughter. Possibly the scariest thing I've ever went through =/
3. Do you believe in Karma? Heck yes I do!!!! UMMM ringing in baby daddies!! ahahaha ;P
4. If you were paid $100,000, would you sleep in a supposedly haunted house for a night? Why wouldn't I do it for $100,000?!?!?! Ummm, can I start tonight?
5. What fictional character most resembles who you are? With this I'm going to have to go with Hester Prynne.
6. Would you want to cast in a reality tv show? Heck yes I do! Look how much money Snooki has made off of having a tan, drinking, and loving stuffed animals!
7. What would be the hardest thing (not person) for you to give up? I think it would be my cell phone aka electronic leash. Nowadays you can do everything on it.
8. You have three wishes. GO! I wish my kids grow up to be good people. I wish I was filthy rich to the point where I can just point at random shit and buy it with no hesitation and so I can roll in the money...naked with my new fake boobs! And for world peace! Gosh I would totally win Miss America with my answers! Flock yeah!
9. What is something you wish you could change about yourself? My skin. I have REALLY sensitive skin, so my skin is constantly breaking out. For example, I have little bumps on my arms, and they are from me being slightly allergic to the sun...yet I live in AZ...Yeah I know. Who's a genius with two thumbs?! THIS GIRL!!
10. What quality of yours do you hope your kids inherit? Hmmm...this one is tough. There are a few good ones to choose from. (Totally tooting my own horn right now), but I would have to say my Independence. I don't want my children to ever feel dependent of someone else to feel happy, wanted, loved, or anything of the sort. I want them to be able to stand their own.
11. What was the last dream you remember having? Ahaha it was the baby daddy and I arguing. This somehow causes WWIII...
11 questions for my nominees:
1. What do you want to accomplish before the end of the year?
2. What are you looking forward to about next year?
3. Who is your fave person and why? (could be someone famous, hero, parent, etc)
4. What is your secret addiction?
5. Who have you held a grudge on and why (I'm nosey.)?
6. Where would you go if you had an all paid vacation?
7. When did you first realize you were an "adult"?
8. Why do you blog?
9. How do you sleep?
10. Do you like weird smells? (rubber, nail polish, gas, etc)
11. If you could change anything in your life, what would it be and why?
Now for my 11 nominees:
1. Brandi @ Thin after Twins
2. Allison Kuehl @ Katillac Coach
4. Alyssa @ Clever Nest
5. Jennifer Adams @ Just Jenn
10. Christina @ Krazy Cutie
11. Jeannette @ Always Jeannette
P.S. You are not forced to participate whatsoever. However if you would like to, please link me to your post, as well as in my comment section so I can check out what you got going on. I hope this shows how awesome I think you are, and hopefully to bring light to your blog, so more people can see how rocking you are!
Thank you Justine Taylor! You ROCK! As well as all you other ladies!! =]
Night you Flocking Rockstars!


  1. What a great post!! I'm so happy you participated :) I laughed so hard when I read about you rolling in money, naked with your new fake boobs. Mostly because I would do the same! ha.

    Great questions too! Definitely going to check out those blogs you nominated


    1. Thanks! And once again thank you for nominating me! :) ahaha I'm glad I made you laugh!

      Def take a look at them =]


  2. Thanks for nominating me! You are so sweet. We have so much in common. I feel that socks suffocate my feet too! Ha! Great post!

    1. Your welcome =] and I'm glad someone understands the sock thing! ahaha
      can't wait to read your post! =]

    2. Yes! I totally get the sock thing! I'm ok with socks when I'm wearing shoes, but HATE wearing them otherwise. My feet need to be outside the covers when I sleep because they need to breathe. Socks are a nightmare.

  3. Thank you for nominating me!! I finally finished my post tonight. :)
