&&& NOT in a fun sexual type way...
I didn't even get half way through the first NASTY ASS cup.
I felt like puking after I drank some, and I tried 3 different ways of swollowing this (ahaha thats what she said), I tried just drinking it straight. FAIL. I had no idea what I was walking into. Then I tried to drink it and then chugging water right after. FAIL. Then I tried holding my nose and drinking it. BIG FAIL. That almost made me puke. Not fun. So what did I do? Come lunch time I took my big ass to chipotle. Heck yes! That shit was AH-MAZING!!! I tore that burrito up! (thats what she said).
So juicing is a no-go. UGH. That means I'll have to eat healthy and exercise now...bummer.
ahaha time to get off my lazy ass anyways. BUT that can wait until tomorrow. I am flipping tired.
Anyone have any ideas on what I should do? I HAVE to wake up at 4-4:30 every morning (mostly 4:30, because the snooze button and I have a battle every damn morning) and I don't get home until around 4. Now this is where it gets crazy. I get my little shits, run errands such as dr appts, grocery shopping, etc, come home, cook dinner, do homework, bath time for everyone, get everyone tucked in with blankets and story time, then I blow dry my hair and curl it so that way I only have to touch it up in the am, then I lay everyone's clothes out, pack my food for work, clean up, and finally go to bed by 8pm, 9pm the latest. So I don't know where to fit in a workout. Any ideas? Yeah I know "where there is a will there is a way" blah blah blah, but this single mama is tired as hell and juicing didn't help it ahaha.
But I have to fit workouts in the schedule somehow. I'll just do it.
Well got to get started on my nightly schedule.
Hope y'all have a great evening!
What is juicing?
ReplyDeleteSo basically juicing is where you don't eat food. You buy veggies to make them into a juice and you do that as a replacement for meals. So basically your drinking your meals. Your should check out www.fatsickandnearlydead.com its a doc about a guy who does juicing for like 90 days! it's AH-MAZING!
DeleteHello again! I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Liebster blog award! See my post http://tantrumsandteaparties.blogspot.ca/2012/10/liebster-blog-award.html to read all about it :)