So I have not worked out in 4 days. Ugh. FAIL. I know I'm a loser for not sticking with it. My schedule right now is just very crazy at the moment. From promotions at work =D, to taking TJ to the hospital for some addition testing, getting everything ready for Eliana's bday party, to preparing myself mentally for Eliana's father to come, getting ready for my mom and Eliana to have surgery next week, and just being able to sit and relax for like 2.7 seconds before I am being called elsewhere. I would say that I am in way over my head. So the time that I would have spent working out, has been turned into putting glitter on every little detail in Eliana's party, making an Eliana handbook for her father (I know this is sad, but I would feel more comfortable if he knew what to do with her in any situation), cleaning my house out so that way when surgery comes around, everything is sterilized, and trying to train my damn dog. He is a little brat right now. He thinks its ok for him to poop in my damn house! I'm about to throw his ass out! How dare he shits on my light tan carpet!
Anywho needless to say, I am busy and possibly too lazy to workout. I was in a determine mind set, but then got a hectic schedule for the week. So I am going to take this as a "break", and not beat myself up for it. I have to take care of my kiddos and make sure everything goes great with all the hospital visits, that is my priority right now. Once the week is up, then I am going to possibly workout 3 times a day. I've noticed some of my shirts are a bit looser, which is great! Considering I've not been losing any weight just inches =] I'm going to start back up with working out on Thursday or Friday. I really wish that someone would set up a meal plan for me and cook me the meals so that way there is no way I would get off track with eating, but that is not the case therefore I am eating EVERY thing in sight. ahaha not good for my ass...literally. Also I was thinking about juicing once again. That is a huge commitment, and I don't know if I would be able to do that, but I am REALLY looking into it. Not only would it give me a jump start, but it would be a wonderful change for my body!
Has anyone tried juicing before? Did it work out? What was the hardest part?
Anywho I feel as if my head is about to explode from tiredness. Sorry I'm so boring tonight, just a bit burnt out to be honest.
And here is a pic of my little man at the hospital today...awww poor baby =/
See why my head is not in the game right now? Especially having to see this =[
This is the part that sucks about being a single mom. Is having to face any thing of this nature alone. Sometimes I wish someone was there to hold my hand through the darkness, but as of right now all I have is my cell phone light leading the way as I stumble over EVERY SINGLE THING! (since I'm clumsy). Maybe one day I'll be holding onto someones hand...
Sorry my post is a bit everywhere tonight. I know it sucks balls, but yeah. This MILF will be back in a few days, ready with HOLY-GRAB-MY-BOOBS moments! =] This crazy life of mine is never boring. I make sure of that ;]
Having a great night!
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