How has everyone been?!
Sorry for the MIA business, I know I know, no bueno.
I've had a lot of things going on, I am still trying to catch up.
Well first, my princess is out of school!!
I can't believe that she'll be 2nd grade this fall.
Holy crapola! She is getting soooo big!! :((((((
We've started this whole "orange" thing and it's the cutest idea that she has had yet. JK. All her ideas are super cute!!!
So I call her "orange" and then when I see her, I say "It's orange time!!" and grab her up in my arms, and say "It's time to squeeze the orange!!". And I squeeze the crap out of my child. And she is just cracking up. Gosh I love to hear her little giggle that she has now. She is really growing up, and I am sooo grateful I get to spend everyday with her.
And then my not so little little man is turning 4!!!
Where is all this time going, and where are all my babies going?!?!
I have a cute little bday party planned for him, and I can't wait!
My princess has been helping me with some details.
I love how she and her little brother get together and "plan" his party.
He is doing really well with language and understand the importance of sharing, respecting, and really grasping the take care of your shit or else it get broke thing. HAPPY MAMA!!!
I'm REALLY trying to focus more on how my kids are reacting because they are getting to the age of where we can start traveling and start taking care of yourself (all simple tasks). And I am seeing huge growth!! I am truly proud of my kiddos and proud of myself as a Single Mama :)
Which brings me to my next topic.
I've been promoted at my job.
To a wonderful position that I've been working towards for months!
And I got it!!! :)
It truly feels amazing to see hard work pay off!
And now on to the title of this post.
That is a beast!!!
I'm on day 6 and I can already tell a difference.
Holy ballsack!!
One day 1 I couldn't even get to 10 squats without stopping, now I can go up to 12.
Which is not a lot to most but it speaks a lot to me!
And I am so proud of the progress!
No, I didn't take any "before" pics because I don't even want to see that shit, but I did take measurements, which is all I need :)
And then today I am starting the C25K program, which will get my running back to where it needs to be.
I am doing this because in November, I am doing a Zombie Run! I am VERY excited about it!
And what is even better is that the run is on my bday, so therefore it is ok if I wear a tiara in the run ;)
Well my hookstars, I have to go back to the whole work-or-you-starve mood.
Until next time!
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