Ok so I've already told y'all I planned my wisdom teeth (all 4 btw) to be removed on Thursday after work.
Now let me just say this in the easiest way...
I've given birth to 2 healthy babies, and the teeth removal hurt more than fucking labor.
I was not planning on that.
If I would have known how much pain I would be in I would have had them knock me the fuck out with some happy gas!
And of course I have pics of how hideous I look while recovering. Blah.
I finally had a "full" meal today for the first time since Thursday.
I had eggs and extremely soft potatoes for breakfast this morning.
After I was done eating, my head hurt soooo back from all the chewing (that's what he said).
So I had Jamba Juice for lunch today.
And I have a yogurt for later.
As for the recovery time, I got to sleep, sleep, and sleep.
Let me just say, it was FUCKING AMAZING!!!
Also I lost 5 pounds from not being able to chew, and had nothing but mushy food.
As for work.
Ugh I am annoyed by everything that changed with me being off for a day...
So now their moving around positions, which I have work extremely hard to get to begin with.
Also now I come in at 6am...
So now I have to wake up between 3:30-4am....
If you know me personally, you know I am NOT A MORNING PERSON.
My team here at work were like, how did you get here early this morning.
I wish I could say that it's because I'm a badass, but I think it was from catching up on some zzzz's over the weekend. Now tomorrow is another story.
Well my lunch break is almost over so I have to start wrapping this up (that's what he said).
I had my fave guy from Yuma, AZ come visit me over the weekend.
He totally surprised me!!
He has been one of my BFFs for almost 6 years now.
It was REALLY great to see him, and it was extremely nice of him to come and check on me while I was feeling like crap.
Well it's time to go!!
Random pic time!
Love ya!
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