The title sums it up. Since I've started this new position at work, alllllll day long I snack at my desk. Damn you drawers for being great food holders. UGH. Not only am I disappointed in myself, but I am disgusted by the way that I look. How can I be "MILF Status" if I look like a fatty? I've totally lost my mojo. I need my weight loss mojo, I NEED that rocking mentality back. I need help, I need a jump start. To be honest these look like excuses as I type them out.
I weighed myself two days ago, and my mouth literally fell out (that's what she said) because I was so in shock on how much I've gained in such a short amount of time. I really just want to cry and go to sleep. The clothes in the fat girl side of my closet are now getting tooooo tight. It's disgusting.
I just need to find my passion and mojo for losing weight again.
Anyone have any ideas on how to get that motivation back again?
I know that most say you just have to be mentally ready for it. To be honest, I really was but life hit me in multiple directions at once, and since I don't really have anyone to support me that lives by me, food is the next best thing. UGH. That sounds disgusting too.
I need a plan.
Time to get out the pen and paper and write down workout schedules, meals, and put post it notes EVERYWHERE, reminding me that I am a fatty and I don't want to be one anymore!
Any advice is welcomed.
have a great night you skinny bitches! ;]

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