Saturday, June 2, 2012

Back on track

 Hey everyone (or more correctly, hey my 1 reader),

I know I have been MIA for a bit, my mom had a lot of medical issues going on as well as me. It seems when I get sick, I get everything at once. I might as well just hit 5 birds with 1 stone I suppose.

Anywho to catch you up on speed, I am still working full time, taking some online courses for the summer, a proud mommy to a recent kindergartener graduate!, and a new PUPPY! How rocking is all of that?! I can't believe that my daughter is old enough to have graduated from kindergarten! I remember when my daughter was a little chunky monkey watching Will & Grace with me =] Yes, we have amazing taste in television. As for the puppy, well technically he is a mutt but the cutest mutt I have ever seen! We named him Rocco! How stinking cute huh?

Also if you haven't noticed, I didn't mention anything about my diet. Why? Umm how about becuase I am a big fat FAIL at it! In between hospital food, working 46 hours, taking summer classes instead of taking a break, I just really have not had time to workout as much as I would have liked to. I will admit if I truly wanted to make time I would, but by the end of the day I rather spend that hour of time I would spend working out on sleeping.                                                                                                    

So I am slowing trying to get back on the healthy train, like using olive oil instead of regular oil. No soda. I don't even remember when is the last time I had (my secret addition) coka-cola. Which reminds me I am craving a tall glass of one right now...ugh...

I have also decided that I am moving back to California in August. Reason being, I despise Arizona. I dislike the heat, people, and the government here. No wonder Arizona is the laughing stock of the nation. That is all I am going to say about that because I don't want to cause any drama for posting my opinion. The reason I am going to California is because I am from there and that is my heart is. Also to get away from all the baby daddy drama once and for all. And yes I know "you should run from your problems" or "no matter where you go, so will your problems", but the thing is alllll my problems started in Arizona and that is where they will be left.

On a lighter note, my son's birthday is in 2 flipping short weeks and I don't even have the invites made or have any idea where I am going to have the party at! WTF?! Get it together E! So tonight I get to make like 30 mickey mouse heads and somehow plan a party to be able to send out the invites by this upcoming Monday the latest! I'll post pics of the awesome invites that this creative mind creates!

So I have somewhat decided what kind of blog I want this to be. I want this to be as real as possible. I curse like a sailor so now you will probably see that. I dislike many things with is probably not the greatest thing. I have a heavy sarcastic humor, without a filter which sometimes puts me in a weird spot. ahaha oh well. But thats all the time I have for right now. Until next time my 1 reader!


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