Sunday, March 11, 2012


Good afternoon! How is everyone doing? I am actually doing quite well =] I had greek yogurt with peaches for breakfast, a slice of 100% whole wheat bread with peanut butter and a banana for lunch! SO NO CHEATING!!! YAY!!! ITS POSSIBLE! Anywho, after my kiddos and I were done eating lunch, my daughter basically begged me to bake a cake with her. How could I say no to CAKE? OH I mean, how can I say no to my daughter?! ;] While all three of us were in the kitchen, mixing away with cake powder EVERYWHERE, I looked over to my right and my weight lost jars were sitting there staring at me like they knew I couldn't wait to eat my cake! HOW DARE THEY?! BUT, it is a good thing they were there to help me keep my mind on my goal. So instead of eating a huge piece of cake, I am going to opt for a tiny little (practically ant size) piece of cake, that way I still don't have the urge to sneak over when no one is looking (and after I accidentally put something in front of the jars...) and eat like 5 slices of cake. Also I can still tell my kiddos, what an awesome job they did with the cake! So does this count as cheating? In my eyes no, because normally I can eat like 5 slices whereas now I am going to have a piece that is 4x smaller than a normal size slice would be. YAY me! =] Also while we were mixing everything I was able to do calf raises while we were having some awesome bonding time! How can it get any better than that? Anywho here is a pic of my (evil twins) weight loss jars... ;]

I just realized the font is too small on the pic to read, so this is what it says "I keep these in the kitchen, just in case I want to cheat. I also keep fruit around them to help motivate me with healthy eating...instead of finishing off those rocking oreos in the cabinet to the left...but whose looking anyways? ;] "

Also I got the jars and rockthingys at dollar tree. I had the stickers on hand. So that project only cost me $2 plus tax. How rocking is that?!

Well until next time! Oh and I created my own "GREEN MONSTER" shake! It was pretty rocking, if I do say so myself. Hopefully I can post the ingredients on here soon & more pics!



  1. Thanks for following my blog, Rock Paper Scissors Create:) Yey, I'm the first follower of yours though GFC!!

    1. Thanks for following mine as well! =] And being the first follower =]
