Tuesday, September 23, 2014

30 Day Shred Results!

Ok first and foremost, I am sorry about not putting up my results sooner. To say that I was extremely busy the past week is an understatement. In between school, work, kids, and just life in general it was a bit hectic last week.
Any who I'm here now and time for results! 
Bust: - 2.5 (of course.........)
Waist: - 3 (super excited to have my pear shape coming back) 
Hips: - 1.5
R. Thigh: - 1.5 
L. Thigh: - .5 (wtheck!)
R. Arm: - .5
L. Arm: - .5
R. Calf: - .5

So my grand total:
10.5 inches 
6 pounds gone
Wish I would have been on top of my eating more and my knee didn't give me issues, but either way I'm closer to my goal than I was before the challenge :)
And here are the pics!

Now on to my next challenge! 
21 Day Fix from beachbody! 
Follow me on instagram to see what I'm eating and workouts! 
IG: myfetchingfitlife
I'll post about it here probably tomorrow :)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Why I became a BeachBody Coach

Hello! Sorry been MIA for a little bit.
I've been having some knee issues so it's slowing me down on the workout process.  By slowing me down, I mean not working out at all and leaving a good butt imprint on the couch...
And OF COURSE that lead to me eating not very good....
And trust me I'm paying for it.
My body doesn't do well when I feed it junk.
I don't sleep well, my stomach hurts, skin breaks out, bloating, etc. haha I give my BF props for loving me through it all!
I don't think anyone's body does well when you eat junk.
Just my opinion though :)
Which brings me to my SUPER EXCITING NEWS!!!!
I am now a Beach Body Coach on Team Fit Couture!!
I really TRULY believe in EVERYTHING happens for a REASON.
There has been a lot of things going on in my life that has lead me to this opportunity.
For instance, me REALLY starting to focus on my health and trying to get fit.
And like I said before (post), this time is different because I WANT THIS.
And some other things occurred as well.
Well they all added up to me being here.
Being a Beach Body Coach.
And I love it!
Not only am I able to achieve my goals while learning new workouts, meal plans, food, etc, I get to do all of that while helping others become a better version of themselves! I am also loving all the support I get from my team and Beach Body! It helps with accountability! And also I would love to eventually be able to just go to school full time and be here when my kids get home from school. I love seeing them after school! They are so excited to tell me about their day and what they did and if they made a new "best friend". I love it when I get to sit down and play board games, or card games with them. I love teaching them new things! And they are also my workout buddies!!! haha
I have dreams and goals that I want to achieve for my life and especially my children's lives.
And this is the first step for me.
This is all so inspiring to me.
I would love to show other moms, and anyone else who is into health and fitness, that if I can do, ANYONE CAN.
Now don't think I'm going to be down your throat with trying to sell you something, because I'm not.
That's not me.
I'll talk about products while I'm trying them, or what programs I'm doing (which I already do), and what I've ordered or am excited to try, and if you have questions about anything, then AWESOME! Shoot them my way, and I'll try to help you out as much as I can.
I ordered the 21 Day Fix Challenge pack which is on sale right now for $140!
I cannot even tell you how excited I am to try this program!
From allllllll the research I've done about this, it looks like it'll be a good FIT for ME!
I definitely need a kick in the butt with my eating, and this will do just that!
And get me to try different workouts!!
I can't wait to get it in the mail!
I'll be super duper excited!
I feel bad for my kiddos and BF once I get it...
I might just scream when it finally arrives!!! haha
Anywho I am going to hosting a challenge on instagram in October!
I am thinking maybe a week of clean eating challenge, or some super easy moves with weights.
Let me know if you have any ideas or interested! :)
Also here is all my links just in case you want to follow my other sites!
IG: fitmama_inaz (I'm on IG the most!)
And of course my beach body website in case you might have questions about programs!
Also if coaching sounds interesting to you, let me know! I'll be more than happy to give you all the details that you need :)
www.shakeology.com/fitmamainaz (please make sure to copy and paste this link, my username is not showing up when you click it, thank you)
Thank you for all the people who support me!
Love y'all with all my heart :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Inspire Yourself

Today is all about YOU.
When I first started this weight loss journey I was in a very dark, sad place.
I wanted to be like everyone else, in shape, pretty, successful, etc.
So I started to workout and lose some weight.
I would be super motivated for a week then lose focus for a week.
Then back on the grind for two weeks and then lose my focus again.
I was a yo yo dieter/worker outer (haha new word) all the way!
And the reason I never succeeded is because I would look to others to inspire me to change, or workout, or eat healthy, or do anything.
And it shouldn't be like that.
Now don't get me wrong, it is absolutely 100% awesomesauce that people look to others for inspiration! I do it all the time! I follow tons of people who inspire me to continue on my weight loss  and my personal growth journey.
What I'm saying is wrong is that you shouldn't look for inspiration in others when you haven't found inspiration in yourself first.
When I finally realized that I am responsible for myself and my efforts that's when things started to change. That no one is going to change me until I wanted to change myself. I started doing things I never did before, put in more effort than I have done before. I was starting to put in the amount of effort that I saw in the people that inspired me.
I had finally INSPIRED MYSELF.
I finally FOUND MY FIRE.
Remember, it's YOU who is going to have to get up off that couch and put those socks and shoes on and put in some work.
If you don't inspire yourself, you'll NEVER get better at anything that YOU want to do.
YOU are responsible for YOU.
If you don't find that FIRE inside of YOU to do EVERYTHING YOU possibly can to make yourself better, you can't expect someone else to do it for you.
It's like getting a personal trainer and have the trainer lift the weights for you.
YOU have to do whatever it is you want to do YOURSELF.
And please don't take this post the wrong way.
I think it's amazing when others inspire others to change, but deep down those people found THEIR OWN FIRE inside to help themselves push even further.
I look for inspiration EVERY DAY to add fuel to MY FIRE.
On instagram I follow a lot of accounts that motivate and inspire me just by some of their quotes or captions they have on their photos.
On pinterest I look for a lot of healthy meals, stuff to do with my kids, tons of DIY projects that I never finish, etc.
On facebook I look for fitness groups, or mom groups, or kid groups to see if I can learn anything new and see if it works for me.
Everything and everyone else contributes after.

Love y'all!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014


Well today I was able to sneak away for a couple of hours and decided to go shopping and get a pedi.
The pedi didn't happen...damn it!
I just want a damn pedi y'all!
Anywho I was looking around Ross today, and found some cute clothes for everyone.
When I go shopping I can't just buy for myself.
Everyone has to get something or else I don't think it's fair.
Anyways, I decided to try on some jeans because right now I only have one pair of jeans that fit. Granted they are getting a little baggy but nothing too crazy, and I don't want to go out and buy all kinds of clothes right now because I am still in the process of losing weight, so there is no point in buying clothes that won't fit me in about a month or two.
So I grab two pairs of the same style of jeans but two different sizes (normal size and one smaller), thinking that there is no way that I'm going to fit in the smaller size but I can see how much further I have until I do.
I go to the dressing room and I put the size on that I wear now and they fit and were a little bit big. But they would work.
But I looked at the other pair thinking I shouldn't even try them, but something told me to just go ahead and try.
I prayed to little baby Jesus that those smaller size jeans would get past my knees!
And guess what, they did.
I begin to slide them up further thinking my thunder thighs will stop them...NOPE.
They kept going.
I continued pulling them up thinking ok, these baby making hips will pretty much stop them in their tracks.
NOPE, those baby making hips didn't stop them.
So I had them pulled all the way up.
I was scared to button them up because I didn't want to have a white chicks scene where the button goes flying and breaking the mirror.
Well I said screw that damn mirror...(just kidding don't want 7 years of bad luck)
I just told myself to button them up and see what happens.
Took a deep breath, and a zipper zipped up and button buttoned up later.
This is HUGE for me!
It's hard for me to fit in smaller jeans because I have a pear shaped body.
Big hips, thighs, and butt.
Plus I'm tall (5'9) so it makes it harder to find jeans.
So that means I am down 5 pant sizes!!! HOLY PANTS!!!
If this isn't a kick of motivation I don't know what is.
Here is the pic of me trying on them "skinny to me" jeans! :)




Tell me about when you were able to fit into a smaller pair of jeans!
How did you feel? Did it motivated you to push harder? Did you see results sooner?
Love y'all!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

"If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail"

And that is what I did for about half of this week. I planned to fail...lamesauce.
I'm not going to lie. I was off my A game, but hey we all have our up's and down's. It's part of life, what can you say?
I have been having knee issues for almost a week now. I tried to workout and I could barely do 5 mins before my knee was hurting BAD. So I stopped working out for a couple of days. And let me be honest it was making feel depressed! I finally started seeing results and then I had to stop! Ugh!!!
So I am the first one to admit that I am an emotional eater. No idea why, but I am. So I went a little crazy. But I still tried to walk to at least get SOME movement in.
And also since I wasn't working out like I normally do, I stopped planning. I wasn't motivated to.
How can I tell you guys how to plan and be organized when I'm not even practicing what I preach?
I did my weekly meal plan for the family that I keep on the fridge at the beginning of the week like I normally do, but I didn't plan one for myself. And I also didn't plan my workouts.
So today, I sucked it up and told myself to get my shit together.
And that is what I did.
I got my planner out and started writing down everything. INCLUDING my workouts. I am going to try my hardest to workout. My knee feels a bit better so it’s time to get moving!
And of course I had to face that stupid scale.
Good news is that I only gained 1 pound back. I was thinking I had gained back at least 5 pounds or something. And I didn’t. Thank you little baby Jesus. So now I am super focused to get that 1 pound off and then some!
11 (I also round up because of ounces) more pounds and I am at my halfway point!!!
How awesome is that? I can’t wait! I feel the victory, I can even taste it. THIS WILL HAPPEN.
And PLANNING is key.
Just because you had a rough day or a few days, doesn’t mean for you to just throw in the towel and give up. It means to pick up that damn towel, put it in the dirty clothes basket, whip out your planner and get to planning!
You need that kick in the ass to get shit done.
I’ll be that kick in the ass.
I’m evening kicking myself in the ass to get this stuff done.
I have goals that I plan on meeting, and I will get there by one planned out day at a time J

#itdidnthappenifthereisnophoto haha

Protein shot! Haha sorry about my nappy hair. Sometimes I let it go wild ;) haha