Thursday, May 9, 2013

Finish the Sentence Link Up

Of course I love link ups!
So here you go :)

Unlike my sibling(s) (that I love very much)....I am the only one who understood my homework growing up.

My best friend says...that I am the cra cra one in our in our way too close, that we've seen each other naked, puke all over, drunken, tears & tattoos relationship. Oh and that I'm the beaner one ;)

People call me...everything but my REAL name. It's E-S-T-E-F-A-N-I-E not Stephanie. Sign. Never winning that battle.

I most often dream...about my huge bouncy boobs, and filthy rich/hot husband that I will eventually have.

The best part of my bedtime. This mama LOVES her sleep :) Plus I gets to cuddle with the kiddos.

I really don't understand...why YOLO is this HUGE thing. I think Katt Williams says it best ;)

I get really AZ drivers. I have my "bird" ready at all times ;)

There's nothing like a...massage after a long day. Or a night filled with ice cream cake and Magic Mike that should have been made in 3D...

Lately, I can't get enough...friends. I've been every where lately. Baby showers, cinco de drinko, graduations, blah, blah, blah. Now leave me alone with my damn ice cream cake! ;) 

One thing I am NOT is...someone who holds their tongue. I think it, I say it.

I spent too much money on...daycare. That shit is more than my rent! And with summer camp that is just going to be cra cra. here I come 3rd job!

I want to to be a REALLY good cook ;) I may have the fat girl bounce, but that don't mean I work that bounce in the kitchen.

If I ever met _________, I would...Robert Downey Jr, I would have a mental fuck with him. Probably have a sarcasm battle with him.

I can't stop...BELIEVING!!!

Never have I ever...kissed a girl and liked it...used cherry chapstick ;P

Reese Reese Witherspoon...

Night y'all! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Meltdown with Ms. Michaels


So I am trying my best with this whole diet thing.
Well more like making better choices of food.

So to make sure the weight LOSS number to continue to go down, not the actual weight number, I've decided to join a link up with the super in shape Elle Noel.

This will hold me accountable.
I didn't do yesterday because I wasn't aware, but tonight I'll pull out (twhs) that 30 day shred DVD and dust that thang off and get my sweat on!

Remember, I have a cruise to go on next year! As well as my year of travel!

I want to be one hot mama!! 

I've been seeing everyone with their "after" pics, and here I am with my "before", which I'm not posting that nasty pic until I get somewhat of an "after" one to go next to that beast.

Hard work is what it takes, and I believe I have finally het the breaking point...

Not exactly a wall I enjoy hitting that is for sure.

- The fact that I can't enjoy playing with my kids because I am too uncomfortable in my jeans is hard to take in.
- The fact that my knee issue is coming up again because of my weight.
- The fact that I can't sleep well because I get tooo hot while I sleep because I am overweight.
- The fact that I can't go into a store and pick something off the shelf and go, but instead I have to spend an hour just to find jeans that make me look "slim", and leave 98% of the time empty handed.
- The fact that I am exhausted all the time because I am choosing "being overweight" as my hard.

- The fact that I spend my day thinking about my next meal, instead of other things such as kiddos, house stuff, homework, etc.
- The fact that I am too embarrassed to wear shorts in public, and I live in's hot as hell!!! Especially when you continue to wear clothes like it's 50 degrees out, when it's really 120 degrees.
- The fact that I feel like a total blob, so I wear (as I call them) my "fat" skirts, and "fat" shirts. By that I mean a size too big to hide the "fat" rolls.

The list can go on and on.
These are all my breaking point walls that I've hit within the past few days.
And it is not fun to say the least.

How did I let myself get this bad?
Why did I let myself get this bad?

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When did you hit your breaking point?
What was it that made you finally start on your fitness journey?
What kept you motivated?

Love ya!