Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Showoff

I've decided that on Sundays, I am going to be sharing at least one project that I have recreated from an inspired pin from pinterest. And what better day than Showoff Sundays?!

So here we go.
I was shopping, yet again, for febreze this time around.

And I was sure I saw something for this on pinterest.

I did. Here is the amazing link to this holy CHEAP goodness.=]
Here are the pics of the steps I took.

Ahaha I spilled baking soda on the counter.

Once again here is the link

SO I think this is a pinterest WINNER!!!

Well I have to go to sleep. Sorry about the short post, I'll post some pics from over the weekend in the next couple of days.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Being a single mama...

is seriously some TOUGH stuff! My little princess is going into the 1st grade in about 2 weeks and I have yet gotten all her school supplies, all my little man doc appts are not set, and I forgot to get gas for the car today. My life is all over the place right now it seems. I am thinking about taking a break from school this crazy fast approaching fall semester. I have been looking allllll over Pinterest looking for some organization tips for my crazy schedule. No one really knows how truly busy I am. I'll go over a couple of things before I give a little run down of my schedule. My mother is in stage 5 of renal failure. Not the greatest thing to go through. I am basically watching my mother die slowly, but I am hoping she pulls through which I know she can! Also I am her caregiver. My son who just turned 3 last month suffers from epilepsy. That in itself is down right terrifying. I wish I could take all of this away from my family and give it to myself so that way they don't have to go through any pain or any more medical procedures. So with all that being said here is a little breakdown of how my week goes. Any advice on how to make the most of my time would be WONDERFUL!

MONDAY: wake up @ 4:30am to help my mom get her arm ready for dialysis, wake up the kids @ 5:30am to drive my mom to dialysis, get back home around 6am. Sometimes the kiddos and I go back to sleep or I start making breakfast. Pick up around the house a little bit. Give the kiddos a quick bath because here in AZ you HAVE to take like 5 showers a day just to survive the summers. Get them dressed, hair combed, teeth brushed, etc. Take the dog out for a 10 min walk. Finally able to start getting myself dressed for work. Leave my house around 9:30am to drop the kiddos at daycare, talk to the teachers about the summer camp process, and TJs potty training and napping. Go pick up my mom from dialysis, take her home, grab a quick bite to eat at the house. Leave for work around 10:15am to arrive before 11am. Work until 5pm. Get home around 6pm. Start dinner, take the dog out. By the time we are all done its around 7pm. Sometimes we will go swimming for about 30 mins or so or try to do something fun together since I missed them soooo flipping much through the day. Get everyone in the bath, pjs on, teeth brushed, book read, etc. My daughter is usually very easy to get to sleep at night. My son on the other hand can stay up until 11pm! Its the medication he is on for the seizures. It makes him sleepy during the day but not at night for some damn reason...So if he stays up, I would have been up for totally whopping 18.5 hours or more depending on when he finally goes to sleep. My week starts out very tiresome.

TUESDAY: Wake up 5am (after getting maybe 5 hours of sleep), basically same routine as Monday, but no dialysis. Get everyone out of the house by 7am. Work from 8 to 5. Get home at 6. See Monday for the nightly routine.



FRIDAY: Same as Monday morning. Sometimes I go to work on this day sometimes I don't. It depends on whether the kiddos or my mom have doc appts or not. Also if TJ has his developmental analysis (which take 2 hours every other Friday). When I don't have anything planned on a Friday, I go to work because what single mama can't use the money? Otherwise it is filled with doc appts/errands starting @ 8am until about 4pm.

SATURDAY: I usually pick up hours on the weekends so I go to work from 5am to 3pm. So I wake up @ 3am...Yes I said 3! Get home around 3:30pm. Already have stuff to do once I get home. Take the kids to a bday party, family get-together, pool party, etc. Get to bed whenever the little man finally crashes.

SUNDAY: I pick up some hours at work again. This time I go in from 5am to 11am. So yes I wake up at the time I get home I am so exhausted that I just want to crash but I can't because I have my apt to clean, groceries to buy for the week, wash clothes, etc. By the time everything is done its around 8pm. Finally go to sleep whenever the little man crashes of course.

Any also any time that I can find, I do my homework and my daughter's homework. Mostly we focus on hers because she is more important =]

Now that I written out the crazy packed schedule that I have I see the problem is probably the fact that I don't sleep! I am shocked how little sleep I get. Anywho, any advice on organizing life would be wonderful. Or a winning lottery ticket so I can hire people to do everything and I could sleep on the beach with my kiddos and of course RYAN!

So please people help a singlemamaplus2 out! Tell me some secrets you keep up your sleeve to somehow get everything done.



Friday, July 20, 2012

Pinterest Addict Alert!

From my last post, y'all know I have been at home sick, so where does that leave me? Spending ALL FLIPPING DAY on Pinterest. If you don't already follow me on there, click HERE. I have tons of rocking stuff on there, trust me I've been on that thing for many hours for many days =] Anywho so while browsing I came across a couple of things I wanted to try. I'll tell you whether I believe I won or failed. Feel free to disagree if I think I failed ;] So I have a total of 3 projects. I am thinking of creating a specific day for pinterest attempts. ahaha

So let's begin.

Project #1: 

I found a recipe that claimed to be the world's best chicken. If you know me in person then you know my love of food. Hence why I always need to be on a diet. ;]

So I follow all the steps

And it turned out pretty great! I think I used a little bit too much of Dijon mustard and not enough of maple syrup. Me love maple syrup! I think this was a winner! Yay! Also it was really filling which is good. By the time I finished one of the chickens I was so stuffed I had to give myself a few minutes before I could start cleaning the kitchen.

Project #2:

Well since I have been sick and on a whole truck load of medication. My hair has started to shed. REALLY bad. Now I have a clogged tub...ugh. Bastard. So OF COURSE I went onto pinterest to find a solution!

Once again I followed steps
*Sorry for the dirty tub. I just scrubbed that beast 2 days ago. Stupid clogs*

So it didn't work for me =[ So FAIL! I'm not saying this solution doesn't work at all, it just didn't work for MY clog. It's something I think people should try.

So then I helped to destroy the ozone layer by flushing chemicals down my tub's drain

TA-DA!! All gone! Look how white my tub is just from the baking soda and vinegar mix! I'm liking those to clean =] So in the end I think this is a WIN!

Project #3:

I went to good ol' Walmart today looking for a couple of things and I saw plug in refills! I knew I needed those so I went strolling on my happy way over to the nice smelling section. That's when I froze. 10 flipping dollars for 2 plug ins?! Oh hell to the NO! Then I got to thinking because I knew I saw something regarding refills on pinterest...THINK THINK THINK. BINGO!

At that moment I went from looking at $10+ options to this.


I picked out the scent I liked the most, by the time I left that area I was shocked I could even still smell normally. ahaha

Here are the steps I followed

OMGrapes!!! This RIGHT here is amazing!!! WINNER WINNER WINNER!!!!
Just from this amazing idea I saved about $9!!! "Holy grab my boobs" moment! I suggest EVERYONE try THIS!!!!

Well I think everything was pretty much a winner! Hope you enjoyed! You better believe there will be more but not all in one post again. It sucks to think for this long with all my meds that all say may cause drowsiness, etc. ahaha

Have a wonderful Friday night y'all because this single mama is stay in with her plus 2!!!!!!!! always. I have no life. Oh well one day I will when my kiddos are married. Until then repeat episodes of nickjr here I come!!!!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

A pregnant druggie having an anxiety attack?!

So let me start at the beginning here. I live in the "how-the-hell-can-you-stand-the-heat" state of good ol' AZ. During the summers we have our monsoon season, which are cra-cra (crazy)!

Courtesy of Google Images

Trees get knocked down

& we have massive dust storms...which I happen to be allergic to...yup. Sucks for me huh?

Now imagine going through that when it is 114 degrees outside. yup it really sucks for me.

SO with weather like this I get respiratory infections A LOT during the summer. So this past Saturday we had a HUGE thunderstorm and massive heat, and of course I got stuck in it. Therefore on Sunday morning I woke up feeling dizzy and short of breath. Great I was getting sick. Monday rolls around and I decide to go to the doc first thing in the morning, which leads to a 911 phone call because the doc thought I had pneumonia. =O

When the EMT's arrived they were like I am only making noise or something, but they still take me in the hospital and when I get there, that is when I started to mentally slap people across their face. I got rolled into a room and two nurses walk in (no this is not a beginning of a joke =P) they start asking me some questions which was hard for me to answer because I couldn't breath, that's when the rudeness started from these annoying B's. When they started to take my blood, one of the nurses was like "Oh, you don't react to needles. Do you do drugs?" WTF is that?! I've had two kids, you think some needles are going to hurt after that shit?! That was the first time they asked me if I did drugs. The next time they asked me was when they were trying to get my eyes to focus, because apparently my pupils were jumping around. I told them NO again. Jeez was I the only one part of the D.A.R.E. program growing up?! Just say No to drugs people! So the next question they started to focus on was if I was pregnant. They asked me a grand total of 7 times if I was. Um No I am NOT pregnant. Why? Because it took me 2 children later to realize you have to cage the snake before you shake and bake baby. Also I had c-sections with both of my children so therefore I can only have one more and when I do, I want to have that child with my future husband (Ryan Gosling).

YES Ryan, I will marry you! =]

So the doc decides to have the nurses give me pain medication for the chest pain that I was having and during that time the doc talked to my mom and basically said they thought I was a pregnant druggie having an anxiety attack because I have anxiety medicine in my background. WTF?!



After being out of work for 5 days I am somewhat feeling ok. Not good, but now I can sleep a couple of hours without getting up because I can't breath. =]

Sigh. If only Ryan could make me feel better somehow.

OMGrapes! He just made me feel a bit better! I have the best future husband EVER!

Until next time! Which might be in a little bit since I am not leaving my house for another couple of days.

aka Future Mrs. Gosling

Thursday, July 12, 2012


So recently I viewed the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, and let's just say it was a complete eye opener! It was amazing and VERY inspiring! I am considering trying this and seeing what kind of effect it has on me. I am looking for the energy aspect of it, baby Jesus knows I need all the energy I can get! So if you have about a hour and a half, definitely watch this movie!

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A couple of things to survive in AZ

So I get asked allll the time how in the world do I put up with the summers here. Sometimes I don't know how I do it as well. Here are a couple of things that are ESSENTIAL:

I can't express about how important this is to get through the day here. Once you walk outside imagine walking into a giant brick wall of heat. It is not pretty for your makeup, hair, or anything that makes you look good. 

Sunscreen of course. I'm sure everyone knows that one, as well as some A/C!

Sunglasses! I love me some huge bug eyed sunglasses! As well as the fact that I rock them! ;]

Hats! Who doesn't love hats. I don't wear them all the time, but my little man usually does.

How stinking cute is he, rocking that hat?!

And another way I survive the summers out here is by never being outside, as well as get out of AZ as much as I can!

Thanks for reading!



Round 2 - Blackhead mask

I owned that B**** this time around! I got that cup in the microwave and went away with that mixture all over my face. Let me just tell you, my nose looks amazing! It is less dirty looking which is always a good thing. I wonder how many times I can do this mask a week? Maybe once or twice until those bastard blackheads are gone!

Also keep that mask away from your eyebrow hair...I lost a few...

Thanks for reading!